Basia Vucic brings an expert perspective on human rights, education and political action in the times of crisis. The scope of her doctoral research at the Institute of Education (UCL, London) includes the hidden history of the child rights movement, political theory and democratic education. Prior to academia, Basia had many years of leadership experience in Australia, having established integrated education, health and care services for government, NGO and private sectors. She holds degrees in Health Science, Education and International Co-operation.
Vucic, B. & Sękowska, Z. (2020). Our Home: Janusz Korczak’s Experiments in Democracy, Warsaw: Wyd. Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej.
Vucic, B. (2019). ‘Re-Placing’Janusz Korczak: Education as a Socio-Political Struggle. Language, Discourse & Society, 7(1), pp.13-32.
Odrowąc-Coates, A. & Vucic, B. (2018). The Infant, Early Childhood Development and Child Rights: Re-awakening Opportunities for Social Pedagogy, Pedagogika Społeczna, (2)64
Vucic, B. (2018). Bobo in Today's Kindergarten: Korczak's Practice in Early Childhood Education. In (Ed.) Michalek, M. The Rights of the Child Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow – the Korczak Perspective Part I, (pp.508-533). Warsaw: BRPD.
Vucic, B. (2017). The Colonisation of Childhood. In (Eds.) Odrowąż-Coates, A. & Goswami, S. Symbolic Violence in Socio-educational Contexts: A Post-Colonial Critique, pp.161-180. Warsaw: APS.