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Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context

Inaugural Meeting of the International Network on Transnational Legal and Political Theory

7 November 2013

Time: 10:00am

The International Network on Transnational Legal and Political Theory ('the Network'), was co-founded by Maks Del Mar, Nicole Roughan, Massimo Renzo and Bas van der Vossen in 2013. The aim of the Network is to encourage and facilitate international discussion and collaboration amongst researchers working in transnational legal and political theory.

The Network plans to host meetings every two years, each time in a different continent. If you are interested in joining the Network, please email

The inaugural meeting of the Network is being held at Queen Mary University of London on the 7 November.

Please note that participation in this workshop is by invitation only.

Hosted by the Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context.



  • Arrival and Coffee and Tea


  • Welcome and Introduction: Maks Del Mar

11am-1pm: Session I

  • Chair: Maks Del Mar
  • Karolina Wisniewski (Osgoode, Law), Winner of the 2013 Student Essay Competition, 'The Non-Coercive Force of International Law'
  • Matthias Goldmann (Max Planck, Heidelberg, Law), 'A Matter of Perspective: Global Governance and the Distinction between Public and Private Authority (and Not Law)';
  • Nicole Roughan (Singapore, Law), 'Relative Authority and Transnational Legality'
  • Detlef von Daniels (Witten/Herdecke, Philosophy), 'Four Conceptions of Transnational Law';
  • Alex Mills (UCL, Law), 'Peer Governance and International Law';
  • Michael Sevel (Sydney, Law), 'Authority at Sea';
  • Michael Giudice (York (Canada), Philosophy), 'Can States Claim Something Other than Authority for
    their Laws?';


  • Lunch

2pm-4pm: Session II

  • Chair: Massimo Renzo
  • Jan Komarek (LSE, Law), 'Constitutional Democracy in the EU';
  • Cormac Mac Amlaigh (Edinburgh, Law), 'Constitutionalism as Paradigm: A Prospectus for Political Legitimacy in the New World Order';
  • Paul Gragl (Queen Mary, Law), 'Kelsen meets Kadi: Using the Pure Theory of Law to Determine the Relationship between EU Law and Public International Law';
  • Euan MacDonald (Edinburgh, Law), 'Cargo Cult Constitutionalism';
  • Ashwini Vasanthakumar (Oxford, Law), 'Comparative Constitutionalism in the Global South'


  • Afternoon Tea

4.30pm-6.30pm: Session III

  • Chair: Nicole Roughan
  • Stefan Sciaraffa (McMaster, Philosophy), 'It's Hardly Personal';
  • David Lefkowitz (Richmond, Philosophy), 'Political Authority, Territorial Rights, and the Right of Return
  • Kevin Walton (Sydney, Law), 'Can Political Obligations be Cosmopolitan?';
  • François Tanguay-Renaud (York (Canada), Law), 'State Crimes';
  • Antje Du Bois Pedain (Cambridge, Law), 'Can the Authority of Domestic Courts Exercising Universal Jurisdiction over International Crimes be Grounded in Solidarity?';
  • Massimo Renzo (Warwick, Philosophy), 'Self-Determination and the Limits of Political Legitimacy';


  • Led by Maks Del Mar, Nicole Roughan and Massimo Renzo
    Brief discussion on the future of the Network (including possible future meetings)


  • Departure for dinner at Tayyabs Restaurant, Whitechapel


  • Dinner at Tayyabs Restaurant, Whitechapel

Participants (not presenting):

  • Merris Amos (Queen Mary, Law);
  • Stephen Allen (Queen Mary, Law);
  • Paul Berman (Washington, Law);
  • Roger Cotterrell (Queen Mary, Law);
  • Malgosia Fitzmaurice (Queen Mary, Law);
  • Andrew Halpin (Singapore, Law);
  • Jessie Hohmann (Queen Mary, Law);
  • Nico Krisch (Berlin, Law);
  • Emmanuel Melissaris (LSE, Law);
  • Mario Mendez (Queen Mary, Law);
  • David Schiff (Queen Mary, Law);
  • Lorenzo Zucca (King's College, Law);
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