About the COVIDENCE UK Study
The COVIDENCE UK Research Study has been developed in response to the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

This national study is being carried out by a team of doctors, scientists, public health specialists and health economists based at the following universities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland:
- Queen Mary University of London
- King’s College London
- The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- The University of Edinburgh
- Swansea University
- Queen's University Belfast.
We are asking people aged 16 years or older, from all parts of the UK and from all walks of life, to sign up and fill in an online questionnaire with details about their lifestyle and health.
Participants will then be contacted every month to check if they have developed any symptoms of coronavirus disease, and to ask some follow-up questions about participants' more general health and social circumstances.
The data we collect will be analysed in order to:
- advance understanding of risk factors for coronavirus disease among UK adults
- find out how quickly people recover from coronavirus disease and whether there are any long-term complications of this illness
- evaluate the impact of coronavirus disease on the physical, mental and economic wellbeing of the UK population
- establish a platform for future research on coronavirus disease in the UK.
To take part in the study, you must:
- read information about the study – this is available when you click 'Sign up', or can be downloaded here: COVIDENCE UK participant information sheet [PDF 413KB]
- confirm your eligibility and give consent to participate by answering the ‘yes/no’ questions that follow on from the study information
- provide your contact details. We will then send you an email containing a link to our questionnaire.
Find out more
You can learn more about the study on our FAQs page.
If you still have unanswered questions or would like to speak to a member of our team, you can contact us.
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