Institute of Dentistry represented at the QMUL Festival of Communities 2022
The annual QMUL Festival of Communities took place over the weekend in Stepney Green Park on Saturday 11th June and the Queen Mary Mile End Campus on Sunday 12th June 2022.
The Festival brings together a range of hands-on, family friendly activities which are designed to help local people learn something new or try something different and to provide an opportunity to meet and interact with people they haven't met before. Activities are run by Queen Mary staff and students-- showcasing the research and services of the University, and local groups within Tower Hamlets-- showcasing organisations, services, and activities happening in the borough.
Over 8000 people visited the festival over the two days, and the The Institute of Dentistry was represented by the Oral health for General Health: Living with Diabete stall.
Oral health for General Health: Living with Diabetes- Aylin Baysan and Saroash Shahid
Aylin’s previous public engagement activities on 'Awareness of Oral Health for patients with Diabetes' have had significant interests by the Diabetes community such as podcasts involving patients with Diabetes, educational talks to lay patients groups with information leaflets. Aylin continuously give educational talks to Diabetes patient groups to raise awareness of oral health for general health (to-date >500 attendees). Following her talks, attendees adjusted their oral health routines.
In this festival, the activity aimed involving patients in addition to the previous initiatives to raise the awareness of oral health in Diabetes as a way of sharing their voice and to spread our mission on oral health to wider community.
The activities at the QMUL Festival of Communities involved:
- Dissemination of oral health education leaflets produced by Aylin
- Oral Health Education utilising the tooth model with a mega brush
- Demonstration of effective toothbrushing
- Providing toothbrushes and QMUL patented toothpastes (BioMIN)