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Some feedback on my education talks to Diabetes Patient Groups:
‘Consultants regularly talk to us about looking after other body parts which can be affected by Diabetes. Our teeth are very important so deserve to be taken good care of. Thank you so much for sharing this important information with us.’ (2019).
‘I will certainly bring Oral Hygiene into conversation. I don’t recall being asked about oral hygiene at a Diabetic clinic appointment, but am always asked when my feet were checked and when my last retinopathy appointment is/was due.’
‘What a fantastic presentation you gave to us yesterday evening! You certainly had everyone engaged and really interested.’ (2019-2020)
Hammersmith and Fulham Chair; ‘Once again a huge thank you – I suspect we will be asking you again in the future!’ ‘Thank you for a very informative webinar.’ (2020)
Barnet Chair; ‘You kindly gave an excellent zoom talk about diabetes and dental care to The London DUK volunteers recently. At the end you mentioned you would be willing to deliver the same talk to one of the local patient Diabetes UK groups. Would you be able to speak at one of our Barnet patient group zoom meetings with a similar message?’ (2020)
Diabetes UK Chair; ‘Thank you very much for the talk last night, we have already received favourable feedback from attendees and, of course, several people expressed their thanks via the chat function which I hope you were able to see. Your talk was the first in a series that we plan to deliver over the next few months and we all feel very positive about the success of the series after last night.’ (2020)
Ilford Chair; ‘On behalf of the Ilford Group I would like to offer our thanks to you for the excellent presentation you gave us on Tuesday evening, it was so clear and I have had excellent comments from members relating to your talk, a few examples are (2019):
I found it very informative. Dr Baysan was nice and easy to listen to, can be a little daunting just talking to faces and wondering if they are taking in what you are saying, so my thanks to her. Very interesting meeting, lots of relevant information. I found it a very interesting meeting. What a nice lady!’
Feedback related to podcasts:
‘It was gratifying, having received such excellent care from the Dental Hospital, to contribute in a small way to your work. Believing as I do that well-informed self-care is the best way to good health, I was delighted to do this.’ (2019)