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Institute of Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Ahmed Naji, BDS MFGDP(UK) MSc(Implantology)


Clinical PhD Graduate Clinical Research Fellow

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7882 8157
Room Number: Office 2, Floor 4, Institute of Dentistry


Dr Naji qualified in 2006 from the University of Baghdad and worked in governmental and private dental health institutions. In 2010, he qualified in the UK and worked in general practice in London gaining experience in both NHS and private dentistry. Dividing his time between practice and postgraduate studies, Dr Naji completed a part-time MSc degree in Dental Implantology from the University of Manchester 2012-2014 with a specific interest in evidence-based dental implantology and related therapies. Dr Naji is a member of the Faculty of General Dental Practice at the Royal College of Surgeons in England, and a co-founder of the British Society of Implant Dentistry.
In 2018, Dr Naji received the prestigious fellowship of The Medical College of Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital Trust to support his clinical PhD research for three years in autologous plasma concentrates and their use in the management of the dental extraction socket. In private practice, Dr Naji has a wide experience in restorative and aesthetic dental practice using digital solutions and advanced therapies.
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