Undergraduate Endodontics Lead
MSc in Minimally Invasive Dentistry Programme Director
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Equality Diversity Inclusion Lead
Institute of Dentistry Equality and Diversity Inclusion Lead and Athena SWAN Chair
Specialist in Endodontics and Prosthodontics
I completed my dental undergraduate degree at Hacettepe University School of Medicine and Dentistry, Ankara Turkey. As an undergraduate student, I was always interested in preventing dental decay, especially in an ageing population. My career pathway began with postgraduate academic and clinical training in dentistry in the UK almost 22 years ago. I came to the UK to study an MSc in gerodontology (funded). I was then funded to do a clinical PhD to study the management of root decay either using ozone or high fluoride at QMUL, and became one of the patent holders to use ozone on root decays. In 2002, I started working as a full-time academic member of staff at Birmingham Dental School and continued working on the antimicrobial management of root caries.
I then had the opportunity to develop my research, teaching, clinical and leadership skills further at Kings College London taking the Royal College of Surgeons’ Dental Membership exams and completing my PGCAP (Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice) before moving back to QMUL to do further clinical training as an NHIR (National Institute for Health Research) trainee. Recently, I obtained the Senior Fellowship status at the Higher Education Academy. This gave me the opportunity to reflect my leadership roles as an educator and also to develop further within my roles at the Dental School.
Centre: Oral Bioengineering
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I have been the sole lead for the undergraduate Endodontics programme since 2014. I am responsible for delivering lectures, and organising and leading clinical skills-based technical courses related to this speciality. I also co-ordinate the clinical teaching staff on the undergraduate endodontics programme, and lead on various assessments (student self-assessments, written, oral, practical gateway tests) in endodontics.
I support the teaching staff in their professional development through regular staff training sessions in the Institute and outreach clinics to ensure best practice is taught in Endodontics.
My other committments and contributions
Minimal Invasive Dentistry Programme Lead, MSc in Oral Biology
Clinical Skills Based Practice Programme Lead, MSc in Clinical Practice
External Examiner for the MSc in Endodontics and Implant Dentistry, Warwick University
European Minimal Intervention Advisory Board Member, (Sponsored by GC)
Licence to Dental Surgery Core examiner (Royal College of Surgeons in England)
IADR Geriatric Oral Research Group Committee member and President-elect 2009-2012
Undergraduate Teaching
I have been the sole lead for the undergraduate Endodontics programme since 2014. I am responsible for delivering lectures, and organising and leading clinical skills-based technical courses related to this speciality. I also co-ordinate the clinical teaching staff on the undergraduate endodontics programme, and lead on various assessments (student self-assessments, written, oral, practical gateway tests) in endodontics.
I support the teaching staff in their professional development through regular staff training sessions in the Institute and outreach clinics to ensure best practice is taught.
I am a great believer in standard operating procedures in teaching. In 2014, I took the lead role in establishing teaching guidelines in endodontics in the dental school for the first time, working with Professor Bunsan Chong. My aim was to make the subject less confusing for students and less challenging for teaching staff to deliver.
I have also secured Educational funding (£2,200) from QMUL for an e-learning project in Endodontics, Currently, two Year 5 dental undergraduate students are working with me on this exciting project. The e-learning programme will be available in March 2018 for the QMUL students.
Research Interests:
My main research interest is on optimum methods to manage root caries. There are still areas that require intensive research on root caries especially with our ageing population worldwide.
Following extensive investigations to design an ozone delivery system for dental purposes, I became the third inventor of ozone delivery system for the management of root caries:
My research related to Duraphat Toothpaste (5000 ppm, Colgate) was recommended in the Department of Health Guidelines for delivering better oral health and shared on social media extensively.
Deparment of Health Guidelines for delivering better oral health
I recently established a link with the Institute of Bioengineering at QMUL. Professor Alvaro Mata and I received the Life Science Initiative Award of £50,000 to work on a novel bioactive membrane for the regeneration of dental hard tissues.
I have also supervised PhD and MSc students on various projects. One of the clinical PhD projects I am currently supervising titled ‘The effect of dental varnishes for the management of root caries in patients with xerostomia’ received research funding of £4,936 from The Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation to screen the diabetes database of east London (over 5,000 patients) for dry mouth and root caries. In addition to this, the Oral B Dental Company provided £5,200 for the toothbrushes and toothpastes throughout the one-year trial.
In addition, I established and led on another unique collaboration with the diabetes team at Barts Health to investigate a link between diabetes, dry mouth and root caries in the east London area. This screening process is unique to the School of Medicine and Dentistry, and the related study was then approved to be included in the NIHR portfolio. To date, there is no consensus on how to manage dental caries, especially root caries, in patients with dry mouth. We are establishing whether dental varnishes could be the best practice for these patients. The ultimate aim is to develop clinical guidelines for the management of root caries in patients with dry mouth.
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I was awarded to various national and international prizes throughout my career. Some of them are listed here:
June 2016 - The clinical case report I wrote with one of the Final Year dental students received National Dental Undergraduate Clinical Case Award 2016, Royal College of Physician and Surgeon of Glasgow, UK
Feb 2015 - The research project received a Travel Fellowship from the European Organisation of Caries Research (ORCA) under my supervision.
June 2008 - Travel grant from The International Journal of Prosthodontics (IJP) for Teachers’ Prosthodontics Workshop organised by The International Journal of Prosthodontics (IJP) and the Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, Karlsruhe, Germany.
March 2005 -The Procter and Gamble Award for Geriatric Oral Research for the Best Research on the Use of Oral Care Products from Geriatric Oral Research Group at the International Association of Dental Research.
April 2000 - The Morita Investigator Award for the Best Clinical Science Presentation from Geriatric Oral Research Group at the International Association of Dental Research.
May 1998 - A Colgate Research Award from the Oral and Dental Research Trust, UK
Sept 1998 - The QED/Maillefer Prize for the Best Research Poster at the British Association of Conservative Teachers in Dentistry.
I am involved actively at the International Association of Dental Research in Cariology Research Group and previously in the Gerodontology Research Group.
Group Programme Chair for Cariology, Dental Materials V, Cariology, Geriatric Oral Research group for the International Association of Dental Research (IADR) since 2012.
President Elected to IADR Geriatric Oral Research Group in 2013.
Vice President Elected to IADR Geriatric Oral Research Group in 2011.
- A Baysan. Initial Clinical Examination.Minimally Invasive Dentistry Book, Editor: Prof. N Wilson, Quintessence Publishing Co, Ltd, 2008, Chapter 1.
- A Baysan. Remineralisation. Minimally Invasive Dentistry Book, Editor: Prof. N Wilson, Quintessence Publishing Co, Ltd, 2008, Chapter 4.
- A Baysan. Ozone. Minimally Invasive Dentistry Book, Editor: Prof. N Wilson, Quintessence Publishing Co, Ltd, 2008, Chapter 6.
- A. Baysan and E. Lynch. Use of sealants over ozone remineralised root caries. Adhesive Technology for Restorative Dentistry, Quintessence Publishing Co, Ltd.
- A. Baysan and E. Lynch. Antimicrobial effects of ozone on caries. Adhesive Technology for Restorative Dentistry, Quintessence Publishing Co, Ltd, 2005.
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