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Institute of Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor Aylin Baysan, BDS MSc PhD MFDS RCSEd MEndo RCSEd FDTFEd FDS RCSEng PHEA


Professor of Cariology in relation to Minimally Invasive Dentistry (MID)

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7882 8662
Room Number: Office 3, Floor 4, Institute of Dentistry


Undergraduate Endodontics Lead
MSc in Minimally Invasive Dentistry Programme Director
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Equality Diversity Inclusion Lead
Institute of Dentistry Equality and Diversity Inclusion Lead and Athena SWAN Chair
Specialist in Endodontics and Prosthodontics

I completed my dental undergraduate degree at Hacettepe University School of Medicine and Dentistry, Ankara Turkey. As an undergraduate student, I was always interested in preventing dental decay, especially in an ageing population. My career pathway began with postgraduate academic and clinical training in dentistry in the UK almost 22 years ago. I came to the UK to study an MSc in gerodontology (funded). I was then funded to do a clinical PhD to study the management of root decay either using ozone or high fluoride at QMUL, and became one of the patent holders to use ozone on root decays. In 2002, I started working as a full-time academic member of staff at Birmingham Dental School and continued working on the antimicrobial management of root caries.

I then had the opportunity to develop my research, teaching, clinical and leadership skills further at Kings College London taking the Royal College of Surgeons’ Dental Membership exams and completing my PGCAP (Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice) before moving back to QMUL to do further clinical training as an NHIR (National Institute for Health Research) trainee. Recently, I obtained the Senior Fellowship status at the Higher Education Academy. This gave me the opportunity to reflect my leadership roles as an educator and also to develop further within my roles at the Dental School.

Centre: Oral Bioengineering

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