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Institute of Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Judith Jones, BDS, MSc, FDS RCS, PhD, FHEA, FDS (OS) RCS


Reader in Oral Surgery

Telephone: +44 (0) 207 882 8646
Room Number: Office 9, Floor 4, Institute of Dentistry


Dr Judith Jones qualified from The London Hospital Medical College Dental Institute with BDS in 1987. She returned in 1991 and completed a MSc in Experimental Oral Pathology, with a research project on integrins in oral epithelium and completed FDS RCS later the same year. In 1992 she was awarded an MRC Training Fellowship to carry out a PhD furthering work on the role of integrins in malignant oral epithelium, at both the Eastman Dental Institute and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund under the supervision of Paul Speight & Fiona Watt.

In 1998 she was appointed Lecturer/Honorary SpR in the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at UMDS, which later merged with KCL. She completed ACCOMS training at GSTT & KCHT and was awarded a CCST in Academic Oral Surgery in 2003, followed by an Honorary Consultant in Oral Surgery at GSTT & KCHT appointment in 2005. She returned to QMUL in 2008 as Senior Clinical Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in Oral Surgery, and was promoted to Reader in 2013.

She is the Lead for Assessment within the Institute of Dentistry and Lead for the Centre of Teaching and Innovation. Her major interests lie within education and assessment and she has extensive experience in this arena, at undergraduate and post graduate levels. She is the Academic Lead for the OSCE component of the ORE and previously Lead for the LDS RCS OSCE, and is currently the Chair of the LDS Examination Board. She held the role of Training Programme Director for Oral Surgery and Chair of the STC for London and South East HEE until 2019, and now is a member of the Oral Surgery SAC.

She is an elected Board member of the Faculty of Dental Surgery RCS England, and the Council of the British Association of Oral Surgeons. Currently sits on the FDS Research Committee and the FDS Executive Committee. She has previously been Chair of the FDS Clinical Standards Committee and the FDS Fellowship and Awards Committee.

Centre: Centre for Teaching and Innovation


Dr Jones has been the lead for the Oral Surgery component of the BDS course since 2008. She also reintroduced and lead the MClin Dent in OS that ran until 2014, and is contributing to the new DClin Dent in OS that commenced in 2020. She is a senior figure within the teaching community, having worked on GDC visits, periodic reviews and the most recent curriculum review. She is a member of the Dental Education Committee, the Staff -Student Liaison Committee and the Dental Quality Assurance Committee. She also chairs several examination boards and is the Lead for Assessment within the IoD and also the Lead for the Centre of Teaching and Innovation.


Research Interests:

Dr. Jones early interest was in the role of cell adhesion molecules and the behaviour of malignant cells. In particular the role played by integrins in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck region. She is now more actively involved with educational and clinical oral surgery research.


  1. Integrin expression in normal, hyperplastic, dysplastic, and malignant oral epithelium. J Jones, M Sugiyama, F M Watt & P M Speight. Journal of Pathology, Vol 169: 235-243 (1993).
  2. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in the management of Oro-pharnygeal Cancer. J Jones, I Farag, S F Hain & M McGurk. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 31: 170-176 (2005).
  3. UK national curriculum for undergraduate oral surgery subgroup for teaching of the Association of British Academic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. M. Macluskey, J. Durham, G. Cowan, J. Cowpe, A. Evans, C. Freeman, A. Jephcott, J. Jones, L. Millsopp, R. Oliver, T. Renton, D. Ryan, V. Sivarajasingham, D. Still, K. Taylor and P. Thomson. Eur J Dent Educ 12: 48-58 (2008).
  4. Dental student suturing skills: a multicentre trial of a checklist-based assessment. M. Macluskey, J. Durham, C Balmer, A Bell, J Cowpe, L Dawson, C Freeman, C Hanson, A McDonagh, J. Jones, L Millsop. and R. Oliver. J Eur Dent Educ 15:1-6, 2011.
  5. Diseases associated with mandibular third molar teeth. L.W.McArdle, M. Andiappan, I.Khan, J Jones & F MacDonald. BDJ 224:434-440, 2018.


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