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Institute of Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Madeline Yon , BDS, MPhil, MFDS RCPS(Glasg), MFDS RCSEd


Clinical PhD student

Room Number: COCR Office, Floor 5, Institute of Dentistry


Dr Yon qualified in Dentistry at the University of Hong Kong in 2018, and obtained MPhil in 2020 at the same university. She has experience working at the university teaching hospital in the departments of Prosthodontics and Diagnostic Imaging, as well as in private practice.
She has been actively engaged in research funded by the HKU Undergraduate Research Programme covering a wide range of topics, including dental materials science, community oral health and oral radiology, which were subsequently published in referred journals and international conferences.
Dr Yon is a recipient of various research awards which allows her to conduct funded research with prominent academics across the globe. These awards include the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award in 2016 (University of Birmingham in the field of Dental Materials with Prof William Palin); a visiting researcher in the University of Turku in 2018 with Prof Vallittu, and the J. Morita Award of the Geriatric Oral Research Group of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).
She is currently completing her PhD under the supervision of Professor Nikolaos Donos at QMUL.
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