Professor Shakeel Shahdad, BDS, MMedSc, FDS RCSEd, FDS (Rest. Dent.) RCSEd, DDS

Consultant and Honorary Clinical Professor in Oral Rehabilitation & Implantology
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7377 7000
Room Number: Institute of Dentistry
Professor Shakeel Shahdad
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, The Royal London Dental Hospital
Honorary Clinical Professor in Oral Rehabilitation & Implantology, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
Fellow, International Team for Implantology (ITI)
Chairman, ITI Scholarship Centre at Queen Mary University of London
Past Chairman, Advisory Board in Implant Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Past Chairman, ITI UK and Ireland Section
Shak was born and brought up in the beautiful valley of Kashmir. In 1988, he commenced his studies in dentistry and qualified in 1992 from the University of Mysore, India and moved to the United Kingdom in 1994. He attained a Master’s degree in Restorative Dentistry from the Queen’s University of Belfast in 1995 and continued to work there till 1997. While undertaking further basic training in Restorative Dentistry at Morriston Hospital, Swansea, he completed his Fellowship in Dental Surgery (FDS RCSEd) from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1998. He moved to Dubai in 1999 and worked as a Restorative and General Dentist for Emirates Airlines. In August 2000, he returned to the UK to pursue specialist training in Restorative Dentistry at the Newcastle Dental Hospital. He attained his Fellowship in Restorative Dentistry FDS (Rest Dent) RCSEd in November 2004 and completed his specialist training in April 2005. During this period, he also completed a 4-year part-time research degree and successfully submitted his thesis to attain Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from Newcastle University. In 2017, he was conferred Fellowship of the Faculty of Dental Trainers (FFDTEd) by The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
In 2005, he was appointed as a Consultant at The Royal London Dental Hospital, part of Barts Health NHS Trust, and in 2018 was appointed as Honorary Clinical Professor in Oral Rehabilitation & Implantology at Queen Mary University of London, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Shak is a specialist in Restorative Dentistry, Periodontics, Prosthodontics and Endodontics.
Apart from the specialist restorative treatment, his areas of particular interest include aesthetics, implant dentistry, and management of complex restorative cases including functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of patients with hypodontia. Shak specialises in treating patients requiring complex and advanced restorative treatment including surgical placement and restoration with dental implants.
He is the Clinical Lead for Restorative Dentistry, Lead for postgraduate implant training and Chairman of the ITI Scholarship Centre at QMUL.
He is a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology and, Past Chairman for the Advisory Board in Implant Dentistry for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and Past Chairman of the ITI UK & Ireland Section.
He is active in clinical research and has secured various research grants. He is a co-author of a textbook in periodontology and implant dentistry, besides publishing in peer-reviewed journals.
He also runs a multi-specialist referral practice in Harley Street, London.
Research Interests:
Active & Ongoing Research Projects:
2023 - Randomised Clinical Trial investigating the effect of hydrophilic implant surface characteristics on maintenance of crestal facial bone thickness and esthetic outcomes: novel gradient anodized vs. SLActive – Gill T, Shahdad S
Research Grant – £212,924 (Institut Straumann AG, Switzerland)
Research Grant – Euro 174,991 (International Team for Implantology, Switzerland)
2022 -Barts Digital Dentistry –Transforming Oral Healthcare. Shahdad S, McQuillan J, Gutteridge C, Donos N, Coulthard P
Research Grant - £2,364,220 (Barts Health Charity)
2022 - Five-year follow-up of SLActive implants placed in anterior maxillary sockets grafted with biphasic Bone Ceramic and restored with Variobase abutments
Shahdad SA, Gamboa A, Gill T
Research Grant - £15,000 (Straumann Institut, Switzerland)
A comparison of aesthetics and patient-satisfaction between three methods of replacing teeth in patients with congenitally missing teeth. Shahdad SA, Ryan P, Morgan E,
Completed projects
2022 – In vivo performance of hybrid design implant. Shahdad S, Gill T, Kuhl S.
Research Grant – (in-kind contribution, Straumann Institut, Switzerland)
2021 – Comparison of two different hydrophilic implant surfaces – a mini-pig study. Shahdad S, Bosshardt D, Patel M, Razaghi N, Patankar A, Roccuzzo M
Research Grant – (in-kind contribution, Straumann Institut, Switzerland)
2021 – Influence of primary stability and implant surface in successful osseointegration – a mini-pig study. Shahdad S, Bosshardt D, Patel M, Razaghi N, Patankar A, Roccuzzo M, Tezulas E, Yokota J, Gill
Research Grant – (in-kind contribution, Straumann Institut, Switzerland)
2021 A prospective cohort study investigating the success rate of fit testing following the use of a 3D printed respirator adapter from a facial 3D scan. Shahdad S, Althoefer K, Waia S
Research Grant - £47,836.85 (Barts Charity)
2020-2021 Barts QMUL Collaborative Face Visor PPE project. Shahdad S, Din A
Research Grant - £25,000 (Barts Charity)
2020-2021 Barts QMUL Collaborative Face Visor PPE project - Phase 2 Shahdad S, Din A
Research Grant - £22,000 (Barts Charity)
2020-2021 Barts QMUL Collaborative Face Visor PPE project - Shahdad S, Kaspar Althoefer, Ildar Farkhatdinov
Research Grant - £22,000 (QMUL COVID-19 Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Fund)
2014-2017 Randomised clinical trial comparing PEG-based synthetic Straumann Membragel™ to porcine-based collagen Bio-Gide™ as a barrier membrane in the preservation of alveolar bone in adult patients following tooth extraction. Shahdad SA, Makdissi J, Rawlinson S, Gamboa A, Hurst D
Research Grant - £116,000 (Straumann Institut, Switzerland)
2021 - Investigation to assess the efficacy of Cerabone in comparison to BioOss with application of Jason membrane – a pre-clinical animal study. Dard M, Shahdad SA, Bornert F, Pippenger B.
Research Grant – (in-kind contribution, Straumann Institut, Switzerland)
2014 Preclinical development of a novel bone graft substitute from bioactive aerogels.
Shahdad SA, Jain N, Patel M, D’Onofrio A, Kent N
Research Grant - £121,715 (ITI, Switzerland)
2014 Preclinical Development of a Novel Bioactive Glass Cement for Bone Graft Substitution in Dentistry. Shahdad SA, Rawlinson S, Kent N, Hill R, D'Onofrio A, Patel M, Hill R
Research Grant - £442,000 (Medical Research Council UK)
£101,204 (Additional MRC funding)
£40,000 (in-kind contribution, Straumann Institut and Geistlich Pharma)
2013-2014 Pilot pre-clinical trial of novel injectable bone substitute for alveolar socket filling. Shahdad SA, Kent N, Hill R, D'Onofrio A, Rawlinson S
Research grant: £9,300 (Queen Mary Innovation)
2013-2014 Preclinical In-vivo Canine Study of Novel Bioactive Glass Cements for Bone Grafting and Guided Bone Regeneration. Shahdad SA, Kent N, Hill R, D'Onofrio A, Rawlinson S
Research Grant: £29,000 (International Team for Implantology)
2014 - The Efficacy and Safety of Chlorhexidine Gluconate Chip (PerioChip®) in Therapy of Peri-implantitis. Donos N, Mardas N, Shahdad SA
Research Grant - £196,000 (Dexel Pharma)
2001-2006 An investigation into the wear of artificial denture teeth used in implant-retained prostheses. Shahdad SA, Wassell RW, McCabe JM, Rusby S.
Research project submitted as a thesis for fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS).
Research Grants: £15,755 (Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals Special Trustees)
£18,233 (NHS-Executive Northern & Yorkshire R&D)
£7000 (Ivoclar Vivadent)
2004-2005 Double-blind, cross-over study of Biotène Oralbalance and BioXtra systems as salivary substitutes in patients with post-radiotherapy xerostomia. Shahdad SA, Taylor C, Barclay SC, Steen N, Preshaw PM.
Research grant: £8000 (Molar UK Ltd.)
2003-2005 A double-blind, one-centre, parallel group, positive control study to evaluate the efficacy of TGO oral lubricant in the management of xerostomia. Preshaw PM, Barclay SC, Shahdad SA, Sellers P
Research grant: £34,067 (Laboratoires Carilene, Paris, France)
1994-1995 Bond strength of repaired anterior composite resins; an in vitro study. Shahdad SA, Kennedy JG.
2014-2015 Immediate Full Arch Loading – UK Perspective. Patel M, Gamboa A, Shahdad SA
Use of waveguide head mounted, monocular, see-through display and associated tracker by Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons in Craniofacial Surgery where precise location of internal structures and instruments during surgery is required – a preclinical and pilot study. Makdissi J, Holmes S, Hadfield R, Osmond N, Shahdad SA
Research Grant funding approved - £1,997,000 (Welcome Trust). The project had to be shelved due to IP disagreements between BAE Systems (our commercial partner) and QMUL.
Co-editor – British Dental Journal
Implant Maintenance Themed Issue
Editors – Shakeel Shahdad, Philip Preshaw
Colour Atlas of Implants in Aesthetic Zone
Editors – Shakeel Shahdad, Francis Nohl
Contracts signed with Wiley Publishing Company – due out in 2025
Missing teeth: A multidisciplinary approach to achieving optimal outcomes
Ama Johal, Shakeel Shahdad & Ferranti Wong
Contracts signed with Springer Publishing Company – due out in 2025
Clinical Problem Solving in Periodontology and Implantology
Co-authors: Francis Hughes, Kevin Seymour, Wendy Turner, Francis Nohl, Shakeel Shahdad
Dentally Related Issues in Sjogren’s Sydrome
Co-author chapter contribution in the book “Sjogren’s Syndrome”
Fuller Jennifer, Shakeel Shahdad
ITI Treatment Guide – Volume 9
Chapter contribution
ITI Treatment Guide – Volume 12
Chapter contribution
Two Modules written for - ITI Online Academy launched in October 2014
Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
- Shahdad S, Rawlinson S, Razhagi N, Patankar A, Patel M, Roccuzzo M, Gill T. Osseointegration of Anodized vs. Sandblasted Implant Surfaces in a Guided Bone Regeneration Acute Dehiscence-Type Defect: An In Vivo Experimental Mandibular Minipig Model. Clin Oral Impl Res, 2024; 0:1–15
- Shahdad S, Preshaw P. The imperative of dental implant maintenance in general dental practice: no longer optional. Br Dent J 236, 731 (2024).
- Gill T, Kühl S, Rawlinson S, Pippenger B, Bellon B, Shahdad S. Primary stability and osseointegration comparing a novel tapered design tissue-level implant with a parallel design tissue-level implant. An experimental in vivo study. Clin Oral Impl Res. 2024;35:1114–1127.
- D’Onofrio A, Hill R, Kent N, Rawlinson S, Shahdad S. Development of a novel formulation of bioactive glass based calcium phosphate cement for bone grafting. 2024. Funct. Mater.2024, 2401953 - (Impact Factor - 19)
- BSP Implementation of Prevention and Treatment of Peri-implant Diseases – The EFP S3 Level Clinical Practice Guideline.2024, J Dent
- Jensen S, Aghaloo T, Jung R, Bertl K, Buser D, Chappuis V, Stavola L, Monje A, Pispero A, Roccuzzo A, Shahdad S, Stefanini M, Tavelli L, Wang H, Zucchelli Group 1 ITI Consensus Report: The role of bone dimensions and soft tissue augmentation procedures on the stability of clinical, radiographic, and patient-reported outcomes of implant treatment. 2023 COIR;
- Shahdad S, Makdissi J, Gamboa A. Relationship between labial bone dimensions, labio-palatal implant position and esthetic outcomes of single tooth implants 2023 Int J Pros doi: 10.11607/ijp.8052
- Wittneben JG, Wismeijer D, Shahdad S, Brägger U, Abou-Ayash S. Patient-reported Outcome Measures Focusing on the Esthetics of Implant- compared to Tooth-supported Single Crowns – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 2022 J Esthet Restor Dent 1-14
- Shahdad S, Bosshardt D, Patel M, Razaghi N, Patankar A, Roccuzzo M. Benchmark performance of anodized vs. sandblasted implant surfaces in an acute dehiscence type defect animal model. Clin Oral Impl Res. 2022;33:1135–1146.
- Gill T, Razaghi N, Patankar A, Shahdad S. Primary stability in non-immediate loaded dental implants: A systematic review & meta-analysis. Oral Communication. Clin Oral Impl Res, 2022;33: 3-55.
- Del Monte S, Shahdad S, Taylor P. Passive fit analysis of laser-sintered, three-unit implant prostheses: an in-vitro study. Int J Prosthodont. 2021 Mar 3. doi: 10.11607/ijp.7261. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33662050.
- Bornert F, Herber V, Sandgren R, Witek L, Coelho PG, Pippenger BE, Shahdad S. Comparative barrier membrane degradation over time: Pericardium versus dermal membranes. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2021 May 5. doi: 10.1002/cre2.414. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33949796.
- Shahdad S, Hindocha A, Patel T, Cagney N, Mueller J, Kochid A, Seoudi N, Morgan C, Fleming P, Din Fallow time determination in dentistry using aerosol measurement. Br Dent J2021;1038/s41415-021-3369-1
- Din A, Althoefer K, Farkhatdinov I, Brown J, Morgan C, Shahdad S. A collaborative journey between NHS clinicians, engineers, academics and industry. (2020) SURGE 873,
- Din A, Hindocha A, Patel A, Sudarshan S, Cagney N, Koched A, Mueller J, Seoudi N, Morgan C, Shahdad S, Fleming P. Quantitative particle analysis of particulate matter release during orthodontic procedures: A pilot study. Br Dent J (2020).
- Shahdad, S., Patel, T., Hindocha, A., Cagney, N., Mueller, J, Seoudi, N., Morgan, C., Din, A. The efficacy of an extraoral scavenging device on reduction of splatter contamination during dental aerosol generating procedures: an exploratory study. Br Dent J (2020).
- Shahdad, S., Gamble, E., Matani, J., Zhang, L., & Gambôa, A. (2020). Randomized clinical trial comparing PEG-based synthetic to porcine-derived collagen membrane in the preservation of alveolar bone following tooth extraction in anterior maxilla. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 31, 1010-1024.
- Johal A, Hassan E, Zou L, Wong F, Shahdad S, Al-Klash R. (2020) The influence of mild versus severe hypodontia on the facial soft tissues? A 3-dimensional optical laser scanning-based Cohort study. J Ortho
- James M, Matani J, Shahdad S. Prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient diagnosed with sarcoidosis using dental implants – A case report. J Oral Implantol (2020) 46 (3): 235–243.
- Feine J, Abou-Ayash S, Al Mardini M, de Santana RB, Bjelke-Holtermann T, Bornstein MM, Braegger U, Cao O, Cordaro L, Eycken D, Fillion M, Gebran G, Huynh-Ba G, Joda T, Levine R, Mattheos N, Oates TW, Abd-Ul-Salam H, Santosa R, Shahdad S, Storelli S, Sykaras N, Treviño Santos A, Stephanie Webersberger U, Williams MAH, Wilson TG Jr, Wismeijer D, Wittneben JG, Yao CJ, Zubiria JPV. Group 3 ITI Consensus Report: Patient-reported outcome measures associated with implant dentistry. COIR. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 16:270-275. doi: 10.1111/clr.13299.
- Shahdad S, Cattell M, Cano J, Gamble E. Zirconia Framework Resin Bonded Bridges – A clinical case series. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent. 2018 Nov 29;26(4):203-211. doi: 10.1922/EJPRD_01810Shahdad09
- Macedo RM, Lacerda SA, Okamoto R, Shahdad S, Brentegani LG. Vital bone formation after grafting of autogenous bone and biphasic calcium phosphate bioceramic in extraction sockets of rats: histological, histometric and immunohistochemical evaluation. Implant Dent. 2018 Dec;27(6):615-622. doi: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000815.
- D'Onofrio A, Kent N, Shahdad S, Hill R. Development of Novel Strontium Containing Bioactive Glass based Calcium Phosphate Cement. Dental Materials
- Valizadeh B, Barzanji SA, Patel M, Shahdad S. Rehabilitation of an Edentulous Maxilla in a Patient with Isolated Cleft Palate. Dent Update. 2016;43:214–6.
- Siddiqui MM, Patel M, Shahdad S. Spontaneous Alveolar Bone Growth in Ankylosed, Infraoccluded Teeth in Adolescents after Elective Decoronation--A Clinical Case Series. Dent Update. 2016;43:206–10.
- Chatzistavrianou D, Shahdad S. Implant treatment in patients with Sjogren’s syndrome: A review of literature and two clinical case reports. Eur J of Pros & Rest Dent 2016; 24, 40-46
- Chatzistavrianou D, Shahdad S. An alternative design to overcome the problem of unfavourable implant angulations for screw-retained implant supported fixed prosthesis: Two clinical case reports. Journal of Prosthodontics 2015 Jun 19. doi: 10.1111/jopr.12301
- Shahdad S, Gamble E. Management of Dental Trauma with Dental Implants – Part 1. Dent Update 2014; 41: 920-930
- Gamble E, Shahdad S. Management of Dental Trauma with Dental Implants – Part 2. Dental Update 2015;42:68-77
- D’Onofrio A, Kent N, Shahdad S, Rawlinson S, Liu J, Hill R. Development of a Novel Strontium Containing Injectable Bone Substitute for Dental Applications. Clin Oral Imp Res, 2014;25: 115-116.
- Shahdad SA, McCabe JM, Bull S, Rusby S, Wassell RW. Hardness measured with traditional Vickers and Martens hardness methods. Dental Materials 2007; (23) 1079-108
- Shahdad SA, McCabe JM, Rusby S, Wassell RW. Developments in denture teeth to prevent softening by food solvents. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2007; 18:1599-1603
- Shahdad SA, Taylor C, Barclay SC, Steen IN, and Preshaw PM. Double-blind, crossover study of Biotène Oralbalance and BioXtra systems as salivary substitutes in patients with post-radiotherapy xerostomia. European Journal of Cancer Care, 2005; (14) 319-326
- Shahdad SA and Kennedy JG. Bond strength of repaired anterior composite resins: an in vitro Journal of Dentistry 1998; (26) 685-694
- Wahadani A Al, Rashid S, Shahdad SA. Clinical Applications of non-rigid Connectors in Resin Bonded Bridges. Dental News 1996 III (II): 9-14
Abstracts published in peer-reviewed journals:
- Gill, T., Ooi, H., Tezulas, E., Razaghi, N., Patankar, A., Patel, M., Bosshardt, D., Shahdad, S., (2024). Osseointegration in the Absence of Primary Stability: Over-Preparation in-Vivo Model. J Dent Res Vol 103(Spec IssA).
- Jayawardena D, Cvetanovska H, Shahdad S. Pink & White? Novel 3D Printing of Complete Dentures. British Society of Study of Prosthodontics (BSSPD) Annual Congress 2024, Cardiff
- Patel K, MacDonaold T, Shahdad S. Targeted Alveoloplasty, British Society of Study of Prosthodontics (BSSPD) Annual Congress 2024, Cardiff
- Shahdad, S., Gill, T., Pippenger, B., Bellon, B., Kuhl, S., (2023). Hybrid Design Implants Augment Primary Stability and Assure Robust Oseeointegration. J Dent Res Vol 102(Spec IssB)
- Gill, T., Bosshardt, D,. Roccuzzo, M,. Shahdad, S,. (2023). Anodized vs. Sandblasted Implant Surfaces in Grafted-Dehiscence Defect Animal Model. J Dent Res Vol 102(Spec IssB)
- Gill T, Razhagi N, Patankar A, Petrie A, Hurst D, Shahdad S. Primary stability in non-immediate loaded dental implants: A systematic review & meta-analysis. Clin Oral Impl Res, 2022;33: 3-55
- Stavropoulos A, Pippenger B, Bellon B, Shahdad S. Surface topography and hydrophlicity synergistically influence osseointegration of Roxolid. J Dent Res 2019; 98, (Special Issue A): 3753
- D'Onofrio A, Shahdad S, Rawlinson S, Hill R. Preclinical evaluation of a novel bioactive glass based cement. J Dent Res 2019; 98, (Special Issue A): 2595
- Gomez J, Shahdad S, Sandgren R, Dard M, Witek L, Coelho P, Pippenger B, Bornert F. A histological and three-dimensional evaluation of xenografts in mandibular defects. J Dent Res 2018; 97, (Special Issue A): 0114
- Shahdad, A. Gamboa. How palatally shall implants be placed in aesthetic zone? J Dent Res 2018; 97, (Special Issue B): 1259
- Shahdad, M. Patel, M, Siddiqui, V. Agarwal, L. Zhang, A. Petrie, M. M. Bornstein. A retrospective analysis of bone level changes around dental implants with a chemically modified, hydrophillic surface after three years in function. J Dent Res 2018; 97, (Special Issue B): 1490
- Bornert F, Sandgren R, Bellon B, Pippenger B, Shahdad S. A Kinetic barrier membrane performance of two standard collagen membranes. J Dent Res 2018; 97, (Special Issue B): 0119
- Jain N, Bornert F, Sandgren R, Pippenger B, Valentin H, Shahdad S. A Osteoconduction kinetics of two deproteinized bovine bone materials in minipigs. J Dent Res 2018; 97, (Special Issue B): 2315
- D'Onofrio A, Rawlinson S, Shahdad S, Hill R. Does the immersion media influence phase development and properties of CPCs? J Dent Res 2017; 96, (Special Issue A): 3554
- D'Onofrio A, Rawlinson S, Shahdad S, Kent N, Hill R. Characterization of a Novel Strontium containing bioactive based calcium phosphate cement. J Dent Res 2017; 96, (Special Issue B): 092
- Shahdad, A. Gamboa, Matani J, Macedo R, Gamble E. Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing PEG-based Synthetic Membrane to Porcine-derived Collagen Membrane as a Barrier in Alveolar Ridge Preservation Following Tooth Extraction in Anterior Maxilla. J Dent Res 2016; 95, (Special Issue B): 0302
- Shahdad, A. Gamboa, I. Apostoulous, E. Lynch, E. Gamble, G. Ioannidis, R. Pawar, J. Makdissi. Aesthetics, patient satisfaction and impacts of single tooth implants after at least 1 year in function. J Clin Perio 2015; 42, S17:16
- Shahdad S. Repair of soft tissue defects with porcine collagen matrix (Geistlich Mucograft) prior to dental implant placement. J Clin Perio 2015; 42, S17:45
- Shahdad S, Gamboa, I. Apostoulous, E. Lynch, E. Gamble, G. Ioannidis, R. Pawar, J. Makdissi. Relationship between labial bone thickness of single tooth implants and aesthetic outcomes after at least one year in function. J Clin Perio 2015; 42, S17:414
- Banihamour A, Shahdad S. Significance of primary stability for successful osseointegration of dental implants: a systematic review. J Clin Perio 2015; 42, S17:400
- Siddiqui M, Shahdad. Spontaneous alveolar bone growth in ankylosed, infra-occluded teeth in adolescents after elective decoronation – A clinical case-series. J Clin Perio 2015; 42, S17:371
- D'Onofrio A, Kent N, Shahdad S, Rawlinson S, Liu J, Hill R. Development of Novel Strontium Containing Bioglass Cements for Dental Applications. J Dent Res 2014; 93 Special issue B: 202
- Shahdad S, Rawlinson S, Gupta P, Patel M, Whiley R, Gamble E, Cattell M. A novel approach to treat peri-implantitis using a resin-ionomer restorative material. J Dent Res 2014; 93 Special issue B: 640
- Hill R, Rawlinson S, Davis G, Nehete S, Shahdad S. A clinical case study: Using a strontium substituted bioactive glass - Stronbone® to fill alveolar sockets. European Cells and Materials 2014;28 Suppl 1:51
- D'Onofrio A, Kent N, Shahdad S, Rawlinson S, Liu J, Hill R. Development of a Novel Injectable Strontium Containing Bone Substitute - European Cells and Materials 2014;28 Suppl 5:15
- Nieber B, D'Onofrio A, Hill R, Shahdad S, Kent N, In-vitro to In-vivo Developmental Pathway of a Novel Injectable Bioactive Glass Cement for Bone Grafting in Dentistry - European Cells and Materials 2014;28 Suppl 5:37
- Ioannidis G, Ibbetson R, Gamble E, Shahdad S. Investigation to determine the aesthetic outcome of adjacent implant restorations in maxillary aesthetic zone and its relationship to the labial bone thickness using clinical evaluation and dental computed tomography (CBCT) scanning technique. COIR, 2013;24 S93:22-26
- Shahdad SA, Apostoulous I, Lynch E, Gamboa A, Taylor P, Pawar R, Makdissi J. Investigation to determine the aesthetic outcome of implant restorations in maxillary aesthetic zone and its relationship to the labial bone thickness using clinical evaluation and dental computed tomography (CBCT) scanning technique. IPJ Dent & Oral Med 2013; 3:653
- Wong F, Shah S, Shahdad S. Alveolar ridge preservation to facilitate future implant placement after early loss of incisor in an adolescent. Int J Paed Dent; 21 (Suppl. 1):35
- Farooq A, Cattell M, Cano J, Shahdad S. Zirconia Framework Resin Bonded Bridges – A clinical case series. Abstract presented at British Society for Study of Prosthetic Dentistry, April 2011
- Shahdad SA, Taylor C, Barclay SC, Steen IN, and Preshaw PM. Double-blind, crossover study of Biotène Oralbalance and BioXtra systems as salivary substitutes in patients with post-radiotherapy xerostomia. Abstract 0982, J Den Res 84; 2005
- Shahdad SA, McCabe JM, Rusby S, Wassell RW. In-vitro three-body wear resistance of two experimental denture teeth. Abstract 1389, J Dent Res 83; 2004
- Shahdad SA, McCabe JM, Rusby S, Wassell RW. Effect of Food Simulating Solvents on the Hardness of Denture Tooth Materials. Abstract 3030; J Dent Res 82 (Spec Iss B) 2003
Effect of porcelain firing on the passive fit of milled and laser-sintered implant-retained prostheses. Toemmongkolchai A, Shahdad S, Waia S - DClinDent supervision
The analysis and comparison of passive fit between laser-sintered screw retained cobalt chromium full arch implant retained bridges and their milled counterparts. Yazdani P, Shahdad S, Del Monte S - DClinDent supervision
Digital versus conventional implant impressions: Influence of the technique on the fit accuracy of 3-unit implant-supported screw retained fixed dental prostheses. Ioannis Papadopoulos Shahdad S, Patel M – DClinDent supervision
Comparison of accuracy of fit between milled metal and laser sintered metal implant prosthesis frameworks. Stefano Del Monte, Shahdad S, Taylor P – DClinDent supervision
Development of novel strontium containing bioactive glass based calcium phosphate cements. Alessia D’Onofrio, Rawlinson S, Hill R, Shahdad S - PhD supervision
In vitro investigation into connector dimensions for 2-unit cantilever zirconia resin-retained bridges. Theocharides C, Shahdad S, Lambourn G – MClinDent supervision
Significance of Primary Stability for the Successful Osseointegration of Dental Implants: a Systematic Review. Banihamour A, Hurst D, Shahdad SA – MClinDent supervision