Edmund graduated with BDS (hons) from the University of Liverpool in 2007; he then completed junior rotations in general dentistry and Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in the North West. Edmund was appointed as an Academic Clinical Fellow/Specialty Registrar in Oral Surgery at the University Dental Hospital of Manchester in 2011. During his five years at Manchester, he completed an MPhil in pain control alongside a number of research projects. These included an industry-sponsored drug trial and an NIHR-funded project on patient safety in dentistry, one of the first studies in this field.
In addition to co-authoring three Cochrane systematic reviews, Edmund has published widely on a variety of topics including pain management, patient safety, dental education and evidence-based surgical techniques. He is a member of the Local Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures (LocSSIPS) national steering group at NHS England and he sits on the Council of the British Association of Oral Surgeons. In 2018, he authored the textbook ‘Core Oral Surgery for Dental Students’ with Andrew Sadler.
Edmund relocated to London in 2015 and, following a locum Consultant post at the Eastman Dental Hospital, he was appointed as Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in Oral Surgery at QMUL in January 2017. He is the lead for patient safety in the dental division and attends the trust NatSSIPs group.
Edmund is the Programme Director for the DClinDent in Oral Surgery which launched in 2020.
Edmund was promoted to Clinical Reader in 2023
Sadler A, Bailey E. Core Oral Surgery for Dental Students. United Kingdom: Sorejaw, 2018.
Journal Articles
- De Múgica AD, Bailey E, Loughlin A. Scleroderma: oral, maxillofacial and radiographic manifestations for dental practitioners. British Dental Journal. 2024 Jun 14;236(11):881-6
- Al-Raisi S, Shah D, Bailey E. Analysis of outcomes and complications of 187 coronectomies. Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2022 Jul 1;7:100292.
- Chohan P, Renton T, Wong J, Bailey E. Patient safety in dentistry-the bigger picture. British Dental Journal. 2022 Apr; 232(7): 460-9.
- Bailey, E. Wrong-sided?. British Dental Journal. 2021;230,387
- Dungarwalla, M., Bailey, E. Dentistry and aviation engineering - behind the scenes at operations in a UK-based airline. British Dental Journal. 2021; 230, 835–840.
- Mistaken Identity. Surgeons' News. RCS Edinburgh, June 2021; 52-54.
- Bailey E, Dungarwalla M. Developing a Patient Safety Culture in Primary Dental Care. Primary Dental Journal. 2021; 10(1):89-95.
- Dargue, A., Fyfe, E., French, K., Ali, K., Bailey E., Bell, A., Bolt, R., Bulsara, Y., Carey, J., Emanuel, C., Green, R., Khawaja, N., Kushnerev, E., Patel, N., Shepherd, S., Smart, B., Smyth, J., Taylor, K. and Varma Datla, K. The impact of wrong‐site surgery on dental undergraduate teaching: a survey of UK dental schools. European Journal of Dental Education, 2021. E-publication ahead of print.
- Gormley, M. Al, S. French K. Wilson G. Stagnell S. and Bailey E. ‘Where are they now’? A survey of former oral surgery trainees. Oral Surgery, 2021; 14: 29-35.
- Bailey E, Kashbour W, Shah N, Worthington HV, Renton TF, Coulthard P. Surgical techniques for the removal of mandibular wisdom teeth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020, Issue 7.
- Samani P, Dungarwalla M, Bailey E. #Wisdomteeth: an analysis of 100 social media posts and a survey on patient perception. British Dental Journal, 2020. 228: 711-716.
- Dungarwalla M, Bailey E. Consent in Oral Surgery; a Guide for Clinicians. Dental Update, 2020. 47: 92-102
- Grossman S, Dungarwalla M, Bailey E. Patient-reported experience and outcome measures in oral surgery: a dental hospital experience. British Dental Journal, 2020. 228(2): 70-74.
- Palmer J.C, Blanchard J.R, Jones J, Bailey, E. Attitudes of dental undergraduate students towards patient safety in a UK dental school. European Journal of Dental Education, 2019. 23(2): 127-134.
- Bailey E. Prevention and Management of Post-Operative Pain in Oral Surgery. Primary Dental Journal, 2018; 7(3): 57-63.
- Bailey E. Expert view: Articaine: friend or foe? British Dental Journal, 2017; 223 (7): 494.
- Naqvi A, Joshi S, Bailey E. An unusual case of disappearing bone disease in the mandible and literature review. Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 2017; 2, 1-2.
- Tanna N, Steel C, Stagnell S, Bailey E. Awareness of Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (MRONJ) amongst General Dental Practitioners. British Dental Journal, 2017; 222 (2): 121-125.
- Bailey E, Tickle M, Campbell S, O’Malley L. Systematic Review of Patient Safety Interventions in Dentistry. BMC Oral Health, 2015; 15: 152.
- Bailey E. Contemporary Views of Dental Practitioners’ on Patient Safety. British Dental Journal, 2015; 219 (11): 535-540.
- Tabbenor O, Halai T, Bailey E, Coulthard P. Plasmablastic lymphoma of the oral cavity in an undiagnosed HIV-positive patient. Oral Surgery, 2015; 8: 232-237.
- Bailey E, Rao J, Saksena A. Case Report: Fractured Needle in the Pterygomandibular Space Following Administration of an Inferior Dental Nerve Block. Dental Update, 2015; 42: 270-272.
- Bailey E, Campbell S, Tickle M. Patient Safety in Primary Care Dentistry: where are we now? British Dental Journal, 2014. 217 (7): 339-344.
- Coulthard P, Patel N, Bailey E, Armstrong D. Barriers to the use of morphine for the management of severe postoperative pain - A before and after study. International Journal of Surgery, 2014. 12: 150-155.
- Coulthard P, Bailey E, Esposito M, Furness S, Renton TF, Worthington HV. Surgical techniques for the removal of mandibular wisdom teeth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2014, Issue 7.
- Coulthard P, Kushnerev E, Yates JM, Walsh T, Patel N, Bailey E, Renton TF. Interventions for iatrogenic inferior alveolar and lingual nerve injury. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2014, Issue 4.
- Bailey E, Worthington HV, Coulthard P. Ibuprofen and/or paracetamol (acetaminophen) for pain relief after surgical removal of lower wisdom teeth, a Cochrane Systematic Review. British Dental Journal, 2014. 216(8): 451-5
- Patel N, Bailey E, Mahdmina A, Lomax A, Coulthard P. Domestic Violence Education for UK and Ireland Undergraduate Dental Students: A Five-Year Perspective. Journal of Dental Education, 2014. 78(8): 1162-1166
- Bailey E, Patel N, Coulthard P. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs for pain after oral surgery. Oral Surgery, 2014. 7(3): 152-161
- Coulthard P, Bailey E, Bridgman CM. Introducing Clinical Triage for Oral Surgery Referral Management in England. Oral Surgery, 2014. 7(3): 143-151.
- Coulthard P, Bailey E, Patel N, Coulthard MB. Pain pathways, pre-emptive and protective analgesia for oral surgery. Oral Surgery, 2014. 7(2): 74-80.
- Coulthard P, Bailey E, Patel N. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) for pain after oral surgery. Oral Surgery, 2014. 7(2): 81-86
- Coulthard P, Patel N, Bailey E, Coulthard MB. Measuring pain after oral surgery. Oral Surgery, 2014. 7(4): 203-208.
- Patel N, Bailey E, Coulthard P. Opioids for pain after oral surgery. Oral Surgery, 2014. 7(4): 196-202.
- Bailey E, Worthington HV, van Wijk A, Yates JM, Coulthard P, Afzal Z. Ibuprofen and/or paracetamol (acetaminophen)