Dr Ralph Anthony David Williams, B.Sc., Dip.Biochem., Ph.D.
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Email: r.a.d.williams@qmul.ac.uk
1954-8 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory; 1958-61 BSc C.Chem., A.R.I.C.; 1961-2 St Marys Hospital Medical School, 1963 Diploma in Biochemistry; 1962-5 Dental Research Laboratory and the New Dental Institute; PhD. (Biochemistry: Effects of Fluoride on Oral Streptococci); 1965 Lecturer in Biochemistry, LHMC; 1968-9 Postdoctoral, Microbiology Deptartment. Univ. of Texas, Austin.
Two research themes were carried out in the Dental Institute and Biochemistry Department. Overseas teaching and research in both interests, The Royal Society funded visits to Iceland to collect specimens. Dows Dental Laboratory, Iowa City a radiochemical measuring of glycolysis in oral mucosa. Dental Laboratory University of Connecticut Health Centre in radiochemical measurement in plaque. Molecular Biology Course at Coimbra University, Portugal.
MSc practical course, as part of a five-year link with LHMC Biochemistry Department, at Makerere University Kampala, Uganda funded by the British Council. Materials and chemicals were provided by a Society of General of Microbiology grant of £4000. Two visits to Biology Department, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey to collect samples with two Ph.D students and give lectures. Three visits to Biology Department Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey to assist a Ph.D. student with the thermophiles. Five visits to Biology Department, Chinese University, Hong Kong included collecting samples with 4 Ph.D. students in Taiwan. Visit to the Horikoshi project.
2007: Retired and re-appointed part-time to teach and organise Year 1 BDS. 2016 Retired. Honorary contract. 2016-2021
Centre: Oral Bioengineering