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Institute of Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Secondary Schools needed for an exciting study about reducing sugary drinks intake among 12–13-year-olds in East London


STUDY TITLE: Feasibility trial of an obesity school-to-home intervention delivered by teachers to reduce sugar sweetened drinks consumption among 12–13-year-olds in secondary schools (Study Acronym: DISS - Diss Sugar Sweetened Drinks) [Barts Charity Grant]

STUDY AIM: to explore approaches to reduce sugary drinks among young people and to promote healthy weight. Study participants include young people aged 12-13 years, PSHE/science teachers and parents.


The study intervention consists of:


(1) upskilling PSHE/Science teachers to deliver two sessions to year 8 children to support them with reducing the intake of sugary drinks. Teachers will be trained in Group Motivational Interviewing.

(2) a mobile app aimed at and co-developed by young people.

(3) healthy eating resources for parents to support a healthy environment at home.


Benefits to schools and participants:

  • The training will upskill teachers and support them in their professional development and encourage them in motivating young people towards positive behaviour change that can maximise their learning and support pastoral care. Teachers will receive a QMUL Motivational Interviewing Certificate.
  • Young people and their parents will be supported in healthy eating and physical activity.
  • All schools and individual participants will receive a certificate of participation from QMUL.
  • Your school will receive a voucher for £150, teachers will receive £30 and young people £10.
  • The school will be offered dental students to be involved in career’s talk.

We would like to hear from you!

Please email:

Dr Huda Yusuf (Principal Investigator) -

Dr Josefina Valenzuela -

DISS Study Summary info [PDF 190KB]

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