STUDY TITLE: Feasibility trial of an obesity school-to-home intervention delivered by teachers to reduce sugar sweetened drinks consumption among 12–13-year-olds in secondary schools (Study Acronym: DISS - Diss Sugar Sweetened Drinks) [Barts Charity Grant]
STUDY AIM: to explore approaches to reduce sugary drinks among young people and to promote healthy weight. Study participants include young people aged 12-13 years, PSHE/science teachers and parents.
The study intervention consists of:
(1) upskilling PSHE/Science teachers to deliver two sessions to year 8 children to support them with reducing the intake of sugary drinks. Teachers will be trained in Group Motivational Interviewing.
(2) a mobile app aimed at and co-developed by young people.
(3) healthy eating resources for parents to support a healthy environment at home.
Benefits to schools and participants:
We would like to hear from you!
Please email:
Dr Huda Yusuf (Principal Investigator) -
Dr Josefina Valenzuela -
DISS Study Summary info [PDF 190KB]