Postgraduate Research
The Institute of Dentistry (IoD) has been conducting internationally recognised research in oral and dental sciences for more than a century and is classed as a world-leading, research-intensive Dental School (QS 2023 ranking- 15th in the world) with a research environment rated as a 4-star in the most recent Research Excellence Framework. Continued research innovation and investment have strengthened our research productivity, critical research mass and delivery of societal impact case studies.
Our £78m Dental Hospital provides state-of-the-art facilities fostering internationally leading research and undergraduate and postgraduate education. We have further invested in developing a state-of-the-art Centre for Oral Clinical Research (COCR) led by internationally renowned clinical academics, which has enhanced research capacity and income through funded clinical trials. Furthermore, significant investment has been placed in recruitment of high calibre staff in the field of Population Health, Regenerative Medicine, and Cancer.
The Institute of Dentistry has a thriving PhD student community, and we welcome applications for MPhil, PhD, MRES postgraduate students and visiting research fellows to undertake research in in all fields where we can offer expert supervision.
Our policy is that our dental research should always be in the mainstream of biomedical research, contributing to it and at the same time benefiting from strong interdisciplinary links with our colleagues in the rest of the Medical School and Queen Mary University. We provide a friendly, first-class, intellectually stimulating, and focused environment for postgraduate study.
The Institute currently supports around 50 full- and part-time PhD students. PhD students are situated across two main campus sites, depending on the location of their primary supervisor: Mile End or Whitechapel within the Dental School, COCR, Blizard and Dental Physical Sciences Unit.
The Institute of Dentistry is committed to delivering the highest quality training to our postgraduate researchers. Students will receive an induction on joining and will be expected to attend 210 hours of training activities throughout their PhD. Training will be provided across four domains:
- Domain A – Knowledge and intellectual abilities
- Domain B – Personal effectiveness
- Domain C – Research governance and organisation
- Domain D – Engagement, influence and impact
Research students benefit from expert supervision from two members of academic staff at Queen Mary. Some students are co-supervised by staff from other Schools/Institutes within Queen Mary, and may also have supervisors from external institutions as part of their supervisory team.
For more information on how to apply for a research degree click here: How to apply
See the Queen Mary postgraduate research pages for more general information.