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Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI)

DERI Seminar with Prof Ricardo Henriques

When: Thursday, November 21, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Where: Zoom

Speaker: Prof Ricardo Henriques who is Principal Investigator at ITQB NOVA

Zoom link:

Title: Towards live-cell AI-enhanced Super-Resolution Microscopy
In the realm of microscopy, computational analysis has become indispensable, driving and enhancing quantitative imaging approaches. Several cutting-edge microscopy methods now rely on an analytical step to process large volumes of recorded data, extract meaningful information, and produce a final rendered image. Single-molecule localisation-based super-resolution microscopy is a prime example. In recent years, our team and collaborators have built an open-source ecosystem of combined computational and optical approaches, exceptionally dedicated to improving live-cell microscopy and super-resolution imaging and helping researchers retrieve high-fidelity quantitative data from their images. Here, I will present our open-source platforms for super-resolution microscopy analysis, including the Java-based NanoJ library and its new Python successor Nanopyx. I will focus on the new "enhanced Super-Resolution Radial Fluctuations" (eSRRF) approach and its capacity to adapt to the sample photophysics in a data-driven manner. I will also present our ZeroCostDL4Mic and its successor DL4MicEverywhere platforms, which simplify the application of Deep-Learning (DL) analysis to biological microscopy images, by exploiting openly-accessible computational resources. These tools allow researchers with no coding expertise to train and apply key DL tasks to microscopy, including segmentation, object detection, denoising, and super-resolution predictions. We'll demonstrate the application of these open technologies to study multiple biological processes, including those in eucaryotic and procaryotic cells, and to analyse single-molecule localisation microscopy data.
Biography: Prof. Ricardo Henriques is a Principal Investigator at ITQB NOVA (Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier). He is a distinguished researcher who has contributed to cell biology, super-resolution microscopy, and computational imaging. He obtained his Physics Diploma from the University of Lisbon in 2005 and earned his Biophysics PhD in 2011, specialising in real-time super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. Between 2011 and 2013, Ricardo completed postdoctoral work at Institut Pasteur in Paris, applying his optical developments to study cell biology and viral infection. In 2013, he joined the MRC LMCB (Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology) at UCL as an Associate Professor. During his tenure at UCL, he led a research group pushing the boundaries of optical microscopy, machine learning, and the study of cell mechanisms. The recognition of his research led to a dual role at the Francis Crick Institute in 2017 and a promotion to Full Professor at UCL in 2019. Since 2020, Ricardo has returned to Portugal, first joining IGC (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência) and later in 2024, moving to ITQB NOVA (Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier). He became an EMBO member in 2024. His group uses optical and computational biophysics to study cell biology and host-pathogen interactions. He has developed open-source software methods that have become gold standards in super-resolution microscopy, enabling researchers worldwide to visualise cellular structures at nanoscale resolution. Ricardo's commitment to open science and reproducibility has made his research accessible and impactful.



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