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Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI)

Booking a Room & Requesting Access to Empire House

The DERI Basement has a selection of meeting rooms, each one has a screen with wifi access and HDMI connector.  Rooms 5,6 and 7 have their own standalone desktop connection.  

To Book a Basement Room
Rooms available to book in the basement floor of Empire House can be accessed through the outlook calendar, an invitation can be sent to the room to check availability, or you can use the calendar to see if the room is busy.  The rooms are listed as:   

[Room] Wht-Empire-PB.1,2,3,4,5,6.7

Floor               Room no          Capacity             
Basement           PB 1                    2                                          
Basement           PB 2                    2                                         
Basement           PB 3                    2                                         
Basement           PB 4                    4                                        
Basement           PB 5                    6                                           
Basement           PB 6                    4                                         
Basement           PB 7                   10           

Access Requests
If you require swipe card access to Empire House for frequent room bookings, requests can be submitted via the following Access Request Microsoft Form and will be reviewed by the DERI Team. Note, swipe card access to Empire House is not typically allocated for a one-time room booking. 

If you need access to DERI for other purposes, please complete the form noted above, noting the reason access is required, and this will be reviewed by the DERI Team.

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