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Digital Education Studio

DES Scholarly Output

Professor Chie Adachi

Experiences in Digital Learning Webinar: Innovations in Digital Medical Education Centre for Online and Distance Education 

In the webinar, Professor Adachi discussed her approach to curriculum design leadership in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at QMUL and the Digital Education Studio’s to embed digital education within the medical curriculum: consultancy with Faculty and University communities, the CARE agenda, digital infrastructure and assessment design innovation with the Cadmus project approach, and a co-created MOOC developed in collaboration with Ain Shams University and their Virtual Hospital in Egypt are explored as examples. 

You can read a summary of the presentation here and watch a recording of the presentation here (starts at 33m33s).

Professor Chie Adachi, Dr. Jo Elliott 

18th international Research in Distance Education and e-Learning RIDE conference: Enlivening authentic assessment and feedback online – a case of institutional reform 

Professor Chie Adachi and Dr. Jo Elliot presented the results of the Cadmus pilot at FMD at RIDE. 

 In a context where Generative AI has reshaped assessment practices in higher education, posing challenges to academic integrity, the Digital Education Studio piloted Cadmus, an 'assessment for learning' platform, to enhance digital assessment and feedback practices. Professor Chie shared results of the evaluation of students’ and educators’ experiences with the redesign process, as well as the impact on student satisfaction, submission rates, engagement with feedback and attainment. A summary of the results of the Cadmus pilot can be read here

Dr. Jo Elliott and Professor Chie Adachi 

18th international Research in Distance Education and e-Learning RIDE conference: Internationalising digital health through co-creation of an online open course 

Dr. Jo Elliott presented a collaborative project to develop a MOOC, with early findings into the learner experience shared. Her presentation highlighted the importance of transnational education, emphasising its significance in today's globalised world, and illustrated the experiences of developing an online open course with international collaborators for a global audience that aimed to widen participation in digital health education in Egypt, throughout Africa and across the globe, promote professional learning and critical engagement with digital health practice and technologies. 

It then delved into the process of co-creating an online open course in Digital Health, emphasising the collaborative efforts involved between the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, QMUL and Ain Shams University, Cairo . The presentation outlined the specific steps taken in the co-creation process and elucidated the learning design approach employed, which brought together a multi-disciplinary, international team of experts to co-design a course to meet international needs. The benefits, challenges, and lessons learned from this collaborative process were discussed.  

Preliminary findings from an ongoing research project into learners' experiences  were shared.


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