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Disability and Dyslexia Service

Before you arrive

Support Before you Arrive

We strongly encourage students to contact the Disability and Dyslexia Service for an informal discussion about their support needs prior to arrival - this will enable us to offer you information and guidance to ensure your support needs are met efficiently and effectively.   We can also offer advice and guidance regarding Disabled Students Allowances, Examination Access Arrangements, reasonable adjustments and wider support the university can offer to ensure that all necessary preparations are made prior to your arrival.

Disabled students can evaluate the QMUL environment on an Open Day tour, which we would also encourage.  We would strongly recommend that applicants coming through clearing should satisfy themselves that QMUL is accessible to them before applying or accepting an offer.  QMUL have worked with AccessAble in order to produce Access Guides for our campuses. QMUL's Access Guides are available here.

Advice from the Disability and Dyslexia Service is delivered in the strictest confidence.

UCAS have produced these guides to assist disabled students in applying for university.



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