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Doctoral College

Dr Costanza Russo

Deputy Dean (Postgraduate Research) for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 

Location: LIF 2.10
Telephone: +44 20 7882 8102

Dr Costanza Russo is the Senior Lecturer in International Banking Law and Business Ethics at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), where she teaches several post graduate modules in Law and Ethics and in Banking and Finance. She is also the Director of the CCLS Institute for Regulation and Ethics. From Jan 2018 to December 2020 she served as the CCLS Director of Graduate Studies, responsible for the PhD in Law programme.

Since 2016, Dr Russo sits on the expert panel on «Banking Union – Resolution of Banks» for the ECON Committee of the European Parliament, as well as on the expert panel on «Company Law» for the Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs DG of the same Parliament.
In 2015-16 she acted as adviser to the Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL), a UK Cabinet Office Committee, to conduct a review of the ethics of UK banking and financial regulatory Authorities, as part of the CSPL broader review “Ethics for Regulators”. She also sat on a steering committee of the UK Banking Standards Board (BSB) for a research project investigating the relationship between law, regulation and ethics in finance.

Dr Russo’s research expertise is in cross border bank insolvency and resolution, corporate governance in finance, international banking regulation, CSR, and ethics in banking and in finance.
She holds a Master Degree in Law (University of Bologna, Italy) and a PhD in Economics (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Italy). Her latest book, an edited collection on “Law and Ethics in Banking and Finance”, was published in August 2019 by Edward Elgar pubs.

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