DC101 – Year 1 PhD cohort day
The 2020 Year 1 PhD Cohort day will take place 13th September 2021.
Date: 13 September 2021
Time: 10am to 3.30pm (with breaks)
- morning session: Networking, Collaborations and Impact
- afternoon session: Looking after your Mental Health
Venue: online via Zoom
To register for this course please go to www.cpdbookings.qmul.ac.uk and search for course codes DC101 and DC109 respectively.
DC101 - 1st Year PhD Day - Maximising the Impact of Conferences and Networking
At this stage in the PhD some students have already attended conferences, and many will be thinking about it. Networking is very important at conferences, but many students are unsure how to go about it; recent surveys of PhD graduates have shown that networking skills are one of the main things they wish they had developed more effectively during their PhD.
Trainer: Dr Steve Hutchinson
DC109 - 1st Year PhD Day - Your PhD journey: getting the best start
During this workshop we will think about the start of your journey as a PhD researcher, where you are now and where you hope to get. The aim is to help you identify what support, guidance and good habits you need to help you stay well during your PhD.
Trainer: Dr Fryni Panayidou
2021/22 date – 13th September 2021
Both sessions are now open for registration on the Queen Mary course booking system: http://cpdbookings.qmul.ac.uk with course codes DC101 and DC109 respectively.
We aim to follow these remote sessions up with an in-person networking opportunity for Year 1 doctoral students. Details for the in-person session will be confirmed shortly.