Engagement and Impact Awards 2021
The Engagement and Impact Awards are currently open for nominations until 3pm Tuesday 4th May 2021.
Find out more on the website: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/publicengagement/reward-and-recognition/e-and-i-awards/

The Engagement and Impact Awards recognise and reward excellence in public engagement and impact activities happening at Queen Mary. The awards offer an opportunity to celebrate the successes of Queen Mary students, staff and their external partners, and highlight where their work has contributed to, and had an impact on, wider society.
Academics, ECRs and PhD students can apply in various categories.
Get your amazing impact work recognised by applying before the 4th May 2021 deadline.
Find out more on the website: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/publicengagement/reward-and-recognition/e-and-i-awards/