First Year PGR Cohort Day 2022 - reminder
The Year 1 PGR Cohort Day 2022 will take place as follows:
14th June 2022 - DC101 - 1st Year PGR Day - Maximising the Impact of Conferences and Networking
This session will take place in-person in The Octagon, Queens' Building, Mile End campus. Following the teaching session there will be the opportunity to practice your new skills over a networking lunch.
15th June 2022 - DC109 - 1st Year PGR Day - Your PGR journey: getting the best start
This session will take place remotely via Zoom.
Both sessions are now open for registration on the Queen Mary course booking system: with course codes DC101 and DC109 respectively.
DC101 - 1st Year PGR Day - Maximising the Impact of Conferences and Networking
At this stage in doctoral studies some students have already attended conferences, and many will be thinking about it. Networking is very important at conferences, but many students are unsure how to go about it; recent surveys of PGR graduates have shown that networking skills are one of the main things they wish they had developed more effectively during their doctoral studies.
Trainer: Dr Steve Hutchinson
This session will take place in-person in The Octagon, Queens' Building, Mile End campus. Following the teaching session there will be the opportunity to practice your new skills over a networking lunch.
2021/22 date – 14th June 2022
DC109 - 1st Year PGR Day - Your PGR journey: getting the best start
During this workshop we will think about the start of your journey as a PGR researcher, where you are now and where you hope to get. The aim is to help you identify what support, guidance and good habits you need to help you stay well during your PhD.
Trainer: Dr Fryni Panayidou
This session will take place remotely via Zoom.
2021/22 date – 15th June 2022