LAHP Collaborative Doctoral Awards 2022/23
The London Arts & Humanities Partnership currently has the following six exciting collaborative doctoral awards open for applications now:
- Disability and the Home: Space, Domesticity, and Identity in London, 1840-1945 (Queen Mary University of London in collaboration with the Museum of the Home)
- Performance-based co-creation with young people as political activism: contextualising and disseminating the work of Fevered Sleep (Queen Mary University of London in collaboration with Fevered Sleep)
- Overcoming Barriers: The Impact of Arts Council Policy on the Careers of Black British Women in the Subsidised Dance Sector (Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in collaboration with Serendipity)
- The working-class museum: exploring the lived experiences of 21st century working-class Londoners (King’s College London in collaboration with Museum of London)
- ‘A musical feast for the Mile Enders’? Music, social inclusion and community engagement in London’s East End, c.1890 to the present (Queen Mary University of London in collaboration with Spitafield Music)
- A study of diversity and music-making in early childhood: Towards inclusive research and practice (Royal College of Music in collaboration with MERYC England Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children)

LAHP only accepts applications for the six Collaborative Doctoral Awards projects listed above and further details of which can be found on our website. Candidates wishing to apply to more than one of the six listed CDA projects should submit separate applications.
About LAHP
LAHP is a Doctoral Training Partnership co-funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and eight Higher Education Institution (HEI) partners:
- King’s College London
- London School of Economics and Political Science
- Queen Mary University of London
- Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
- Royal College of Art
- Royal College of Music
- School of Advanced Study
- University College London
About our Collaborative Doctoral Awards
Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs) provide funding for doctoral students to work on a project in collaboration with an organisation outside higher education. They are intended to encourage and develop collaboration and partnerships and to provide opportunities for doctoral students to gain first-hand experience of work outside the university environment. They enhance the employment-related skills and training available to the research student during the course of the award. Collaborative Doctoral Awards are not only a route into academia but also provide hands-on work experience in the cultural sector and transferrable skills.
The studentship includes a stipend at the Research Council UK Home/ EU rate (£17,609 per annum) plus fees for three and half years. The awarded candidate will also be entitled to a £550 per annum stipend top-up.
LAHP welcomes applications:
- From ‘home’ and ‘international’ (including EU) applicants who meet the residency requirements as detailed on the UKRI Guidance document on EU and International eligibility.
- From those who have recently completed their Masters’ programmes and those with relevant professional and/or practitioner experience;
- From those wishing to study on a full-time or part-time basis;
- From applicants of all ages and backgrounds.
Beyond the stipend and fees’ cover, LAHP supports funded students through its wide research training programme, which includes language courses, introductions to archives and collections workshops, equality, diversity and inclusion training, communication skills training (including public engagement and public speaking), writing retreats, academic and non-academic career development workshops and lectures and workshops on relevant topics.
LAHP funded students are also able to apply for additional funding to allow them to undertake fieldwork, present at conferences, and to take up specialist training beyond the LAHP research training programme.
LAHP also offers placement opportunities with major London cultural and other external partners to enable LAHP funded students to experience a working environment in a different sector from academia, discover new ways of working and new methodologies, and develop their employability skills.
For full details on the LAHP Collaborative Doctoral Awards, please visit
Please send any queries related to the CDA competition to
Deadline: Friday 4th February 2022 at 17.00