LISS Open Studentship Competition
London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship competition now open for applications. Apply by 31 January 2020 for fully funded studentships for eitehr Masters+PhD or PhD only.

LISS is an ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership covering three London institutions: King’s College, Imperial College and Queen Mary University of London. LISS offers fully-funded studentships either Masters+PhD or just PhD. Studentships are available on a part-time basis, and all students are supported by a training and development programme.
Proposed research must be at least 50% social science (but can have a strong interdisciplinary component) and must fall within the remit of at least 1 of our 13 Thematic Pathways
Detailed information about eligibility criteria and the application process can be found on the following webpage:
The LISS DTP deadline for applications is: 31 January 2020, 17:00 GMT.