Nineteenth-Century Studies Seminar Series
The LNCSS Grad Strand aim to provide events for postgraduates in nineteenth-century studies to connect and develop skills in an effort to combat the isolating experience of PhD research during the pandemic. The Winter 2020 programme of virtual events for postgraduate students is now available: Winter 2020 programme 19th Century Seminar Series [PDF 1,204KB]
The first event on Thursday, 5th November 2020 at 1pm is an informal meet-up for postgrads at any stage. LNCSS particularly welcome first-years who may be finding it difficult to meet other Victorianists in light of present circumstances.
Following this, there will be a Presentations Skills Workshop on Monday, 23rd November 2020 at 2pm, and finally, the annual conference on Saturday, 16th January 2021.
More information about all our events and the Call for Papers for our January conference can be found on the website: or by following LNCSS on Twitter @lncssgs.