Queen Mary PhD Student Induction January 2021
Queen Mary's PhD Student Induction is open to all beginning PhD students. Induction runs three times a year, once at the beginning of each semester. It is a chance for the Doctoral College to welcome you formally. You will be able to meet the Deputy-Deans for research and find out more about the life of a PhD student at Queen Mary and the training and support you can expect to receive.
The next induction (2020/21 Semester 2) will take place as a series of online session between 18th and 22nd January 2021. The programme for this is available to download: PGR Induction week Programme [PDF 582KB].
To register for the PhD Induction please go to www.cpdbookings.qmul.ac.uk and search for course code DC104. This will allow students to book all induction session in one go. Attendance of all session is advised. The following sessions will be available:
- DC104 Year 1 PhD Induction - Welcome to Queen Mary
DC108 Year 1 PhD Induction - Getting to know you
Monday, 18th January 2021
10am to 12.15pm
including a break - DC105 Year 1 PhD Induction - The PhD Process
Tuesday, 19th January 2021
13:00 to 15:30 - DC106 Year 1 PhD Induction - Opportunities for Development
DC107 Year 1 PhD Induction - Welfare and Support for PhD Students
Friday, 22nd January 2021
13:00 to 14:30
PLEASE NOTE: To register via the Queen Mary course booking system on www.cpdbookings.qmul.ac.uk a Queen Mary log in is required.
Students who do not have a Queen Mary IT account confirmed in time for the induction should register by contacting the Doctoral College on doctoralcollege@qmul.ac.uk