TCCE Knowledge Exchange Framework day 2019
The TCCE Knowledge Exchange Framework day will take place 20 November 2019, 2pm - 8pm.
Venue: Clarence Centre, St George’s Circus, London SE1 6FE
20th November 2pm - 8pm
Clarence Centre, St George’s Circus, London SE1 6FE
At TCCE, a significant part of our work in the near future will focus on the Knowledge Exchange Framework. On 20th November we are running two sessions, bookable separately, as follows:
Part 1 Undertaking, supporting and advocating for impactful KE and its values beyond the academy 2pm - 5pm
Book here
As interest in Knowledge Exchange continues apace, both within and beyond the academy, this half-day workshop sets out to focus on the implications of Knowledge Exchange Framework for researchers, academic professionals and external industry partners; in particular those from the arts, cultural and creative industries.
It will shine a light on current modes of Knowledge Exchange and how these are being enacted, with whom and to what effects.
Building out from the KE Concordat, it will also provide a space to reflect on how, going forward, KE might better be advocated for and supported.
Contributors will include: Dr Lisa Dikomitis (PI, SOLACE Project, University of Keele), Matthew Guest (Policy Manager, GuildHE), Claudia Lastra (Executive Director, Arts Catalyst), Hamish McAlpine (Head of KE Date and Evidence, Research England) and Professor Victoria Tischler (Professor of Arts and Health, Head of Dementia Care Centre, University of West London)
Free to TCCE Members with an allocated number of tickets available to non-member HEIs and organisations £50. Book here
Please note we also have a very small number of free tickets to enable staff from small arts and cultural organisations. These will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please email with a short paragraph outlining your involvement and/or interest in knowledge exchange with an academic partner.
Part 2 TCCE Creative Entrepreneurship Forum 5.30pm - 8.00pm
Book here
TCCE Creative Entrepreneurship Forum sets out to explore how academics and sector partners are undertaking impactful collaborative research and how knowledge exchange can provide “bottom up” leadership within the field. It will also explore what opportunities KEF might provide to support and develop these leadership roles within academia and the arts, cultural and creative industries.
It will provide insights on the recent KEF Pilot as well as case studies in undertaking successful Knowledge Exchange.
We invite short, informal presentations from academics and their industry partners who believe that their collaborations and / or methodologies have provided leadership and / or instigated policy / strategy change or provided models of best practise within their institutions or sectors. We will be asking presenters to reflect on what further opportunities KEF might afford. Please email a brief description (200 words max) to Suzie Leighton ( by 10th October. Priority will be given to presentations from within the TCCE membership.
Contributors will include: Dr Maria Chatzichristodolou (Associate Professor, Director of Enterprise and Research Centre, LSBU) and Dr Annette Naudin (Course DIrector, MA in Media and Cultural Studies, BCU), Dr Marcus O’Dair (Associate Dean, KE and Enterprise, University of the Arts).
Free to TCCE Members with an allocated number of tickets available to non-members £20. Book here
Please note we also have a very small number of free tickets to enable staff from small arts and cultural organisations. These will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please email with a short paragraph outlining your involvement and/or interest in knowledge exchange with an academic partner.