The Culture Capital Exchange Podcast
TCCE Digital Creativity Forum Round Table: Digital Museums as immersive experiential spaces
Museums of all sizes have been developing digital experiences since the late 1980s, and simultaneously digitising their records and artefacts to evolve their online presence. With a strong policy impetus to make museums more immersive and to engage with the digital, at a time of restricted funding, the desirability and practicalities of this approach needs to be discussed by the sector, along with other questions such as striking the balance between visitor experience, curation and scholarship. This roundtable discussed the above issues and more, setting the agenda for the future direction of the TCCE Digital Creativity Research Forum for the coming months.
Contributors: Suzie Leighton, Co-Director TCCE, Irini Papadimitriou, Creative Director FutureEverything, Nicholas Lambert (Director of Research, Ravensbourne University) Rob Sherman (digital artist), Dan Shorten (Guildhall School of Music and Drama).