Tier 4 (Doctorate Extension Scheme) workshop
An International Student Adviser from the Advice and Counselling Service at Queen Mary will be running a workshop about the Tier 4 (Doctorate Extension Scheme) on 5 November 2020 at 10am (UK time).
The workshop will include information about the requirements to apply for the Doctorate Extension Scheme and an overview of the application process. There will be a chance to ask questions about the visa application process.
Sign up to the workshop through this Eventbrite link.
**This event is for Queen Mary students only. Please sign up using your Queen Mary email address**
The workshop will take place online, and the link to join will be sent out the day before the event to those who have signed up.
The workshop will be recorded, and the recording will be sent to everyone who signs up to the event.
If you are unable to attend but would like to watch the recording, sign up through the Eventbrite link and you will be sent the recording.