Work Opportunity | Research Assistants
Part-time Research Assistants (Master of Laws) and Post-doctoral Research Assistants. Opportunity to take part in ground-breaking research on gambling-related financial harm and its prevention.
Gambling Related Financial Harm- Fintech Measures and Banks
We are looking for one (20 hours/week) or two (10 hours/week) Master of Laws students/alumni, and one (22 hours/week) or two (11 hours/week) Post-doctoral Research Assistants (PDRA) to carry-out a research project on the effectiveness of gambling blocks (and other measures) allowing banking customers to control their gambling spend.
The research assistant(s) and PDRA(s) will be working with the Multi-disciplinary Research Hub for the Prevention of Gambling Harm at QMUL, see
The research project will run from 17. April- 31. July 2023 (15 weeks). The project has three discrete elements:
1) Interview with banks, affected gamblers, gamblers who do not experience serious harm and non-gamblers to understand the effectiveness and the impact of gambling blocks (and other measures by banks).
2) Legal analysis of the banks’ duties towards customers, the legal context of affordability measures and associated technology (including data protection and confidentiality)
3) Liaising with banks to explore and scope two data science projects and liaising with policy-makers in the field of preventing gambling harms.
The research assistant(s’) and PDRA(s’) task will be to plan the empirical work with guidance from the Research Hub, be involved in the liaison with stakeholders (Gamcare, the banks, experts by experience), apply for ethics clearance, carry out the interviews, organise transcription and analyse the data and write the results in a Research Report, again with the support of the academics of the Research Hub. Furthermore they will help to organise a dissemination event. Finally, they will research the law and analyse the regulatory background and latest policy developments, including the forthcoming Gambling White Paper and the concept of affordability.
The PDRAs should be in the final stages of their PhD (writing up) or should have been awarded their PhD and should have experience in interviewing and focus groups. The Master of Laws (LLM) research assistants should have no other work or research commitments (other than the LLM of course), should have an understanding of relevant areas of law (consumer protection, data protection, fintech and/or financial services and banking law) and should be familiar with the English legal system and UK government system.
For the PDRA we expect about 330 hours work over 15 weeks (about 22 hours each week) and we have funding to pay £6900 for the total project participation. This role can be shared by two persons (11 hours/week).
For the LLM Student/Graduate we expect about 300 hours of work over 15 weeks (about 20 hours each week) and we have funding to pay £5860 for the total project participation. This role also can be shared by two persons (10 hours/week). Some travelling may be required to do interviews/focus groups.
Please apply by sending your CV and a statement of interest and experience by 12. April to Prof Julia Hörnle