Year 3 - PGR Cohort Day 2021
The third Doctoral Cohort Day focuses on helping students make plans for life beyond the doctorate, whether they decide to follow a career within or outside of academia. The 2021 PGR Cohort Day for students in year 3 (and part-time equivalent) of their doctorate will take place as a combination of online and in-person sessions on 6th and 7th October 2021.

DC300 - 3rd Year PGR Cohort day: Career Planning and Employability
This will take place 6th October 2021 online and be comprised of three sessions:
- A bird’s eye view of the current labour market and how it relates to researchers
- Understanding your transferable skills as a PGR and how to broaden your job search
- Followed by a choice of 2 sessions:
- 6 time-saving LinkedIn secrets for researchers
- The PhD Job Searching guide
6th October 2021 (remote training sessions); 10.30am to 1pm
DC301 - 3rd Year PGR Cohort day: Wellbeing Session - Crossing the finishing line
The session will cover wellbeing during the final stages of doctoral studies. The session will look at the process of finishing the PGR degree whilst trying to maintain some work life balance. This session will also look at how to combat barriers to completion such as perfectionism and imposter complex. This will take place 6th October 2021 online.
6th October 2021 (remote training sessions); 2-3.30pm
DC302 - 3rd Year PGR Cohort day: Networking Brunch
Last but not least, we are excited to finally be able to welcome students back to campus for an in-person event. The final session of the Year 3 PGR Cohort Day will take place on the Mile End campus. Join us on 7th October 2021 in the Octagon, where we invite you to a networking brunch.
7th October 2021 (in-person networking brunch); 11am to 1pm
All sessions are now open for registration on the Queen Mary course booking system: with course codes:
- DC300 - Careers session
- DC301 - Wellbeing Session
- DC302 - In-person Networking.
We look forward to welcoming you shortly.