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Doctoral College

PGTips: PGR Insights and Engagement Session with Student Union

Join the Doctoral College as we open our doors for an hour-long drop-in session for Queen Mary's PGR students on Thursday, 1 February from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm.


For the first session of the academic year, we’re collaborating with Matthew Beach, your Vice President Communities in the Queen Mary Students’ Union. Normally a PGR in the School of Geography, Beach has interrupted his research to take on the role responsible for PGR representation. 

Enjoy hot drinks and cakes as Matthew recounts his experience of finding his student voice and becoming involved with democracy and representation within the Queen Mary Students’ Union, contributing to his sense of belonging at Queen Mary.

You’ll also learn about the importance of Students’ Unions for PGRs, including how and where to effectively communicate your feedback within your School/Institute; the ins and outs of representation and what it’s like being a PGR Subject Representative; and how the relationship between PGRs and the Students’ Union is developing this year through new initiatives like the Postgraduate Consultation Group, segmented communications, and PGR-specific social events. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the links and crossovers between student voice and research and innovation cultures!

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