When: 2 sessions: Tuesday, 6th December 2022, 1:30-3pm & Thursday, 8th December 2022, 10-11.30am
Where: MS Teams & Mile End campus (the tickets for the in-person session is limited, but if you want to attend in person, then please email, and we'll see what we can do).
Who can join: All Queen Mary staff and students. Anyone interested in a hands-on introduction to coding.
Why: Build up hands-on knowledge around coding through an interactive self-directed "hour" of code. It is an opportunity to learn the basics of coding, and see if it might be for you.
For more information about the Hour of Code initiative: https://hourofcode.com/uk.
For more information and to book your space:https://www.qmul.ac.uk/library/hourofcode
If you have any questions or concerns please email: library-sande@qmul.ac.uk