Doctoral College Training
The Doctoral College run several events throughout the year that give you an introduction to the research community at Queen Mary as well as chance to develop new skills and meet and collaborate with other researchers.
Queen Mary PGR Student Induction
Queen Mary's PGR Student Induction is open to all beginning PGR students. Induction runs three times a year, once at the beginning of each semester. It is a chance for the Doctoral College to welcome you formally. You will be able to meet the Doctoral College Director as well as the faculties Deputy Deans for research and find out more about the life of a PGR student at Queen Mary and the training and support you can expect to receive.
The 2023/24 Semester 1 induction will take place as a series of remote and in-person sessions from 2nd to 6th October 2023.
Session recordings and presentation slides are available on the QMPlus page for Queen Mary PGR students:
Research Integrity Training for PGR Students
PGRs registering from the beginning of the academic year 2022/23 need to undertake the centralised research integrity training, which is provided online by Epigeum.
Students are required to complete the Research Integrity Core course, which consists of 8 individual modules.
Instructions for students to log in to the system and undertake the training:
- Go to:
- Complete the registration form, inserting the token that you have been given, which is available on the QMPlus page for Queen Mary PGR students: or by contacting
- Please note that registration is restricted to Queen Mary email addresses.
- Click on ‘Register’
- Enter the requested information
- In the field called "Institution-specific field (optional)" (third from top) please enter your STUDENT ID NUMBER
- Check your inbox for an email from the Epigeum system. Click on the activation link therein.
You will then be able to access the programme(s) by logging into using your chosen username and password. - Doctoral students should complete the ‘Research Integrity: Core’ course (modules 1 through to 8).
The Doctoral College will produce a monthly list of those in each school who have undertaken the training and make this available to PGR teams in schools.
Students who have completed the training will see this added to their Skills Points records by the end of each month.
Cohort Training Days
Cohort training days provide specific researcher development training tailored to a specific year of PGR research. Not only will these help you to make the most out of your time as PGR student but you will have the chance to meet, chat and work with fellow PGR students from different disciplines across Queen Mary.
First Year Cohort Day
- DC101 - 1st Year PGR Day - Maximising the Impact of Conferences and Networking
At this stage in doctoral studies some students have already attended conferences, and many will be thinking about it. Networking is very important at conferences, but many students are unsure how to go about it; recent surveys of PGR graduates have shown that networking skills are one of the main things they wish they had developed more effectively during their doctoral studies.
Trainer: Dr Steve Hutchinson
2022/23 date – tbc
Second Year Cohort Day: Understanding the impact of your research
This event gives PGR students the opportunity to find out about ‘impact’ and what it means to researchers, the college and the Research Councils, as well as to consider the impact or potential impact of their own research and how this can be communicated to others.
DC200 -2nd Year PhD Cohort day: Understanding the impact of your research - will cover information on research impact and effective research communication. The successful contemporary researcher must be able to identify the various ways that their research is disseminated within academia and also how their research can inform public policy, practitioners, behaviours and organisations etc.
2022/23 date – 20th June 2023
Third Year Cohort Day: Employability
- DC300 - 3rd Year PGR Cohort day: Career Planning and Employability
The third Doctoral Cohort Day focuses on helping students make plans for life beyond the doctorate, whether they decide to follow a career within or outside of academia.
2022/23 date- 20th February 2023
PostGraduate Hour
The Doctoral College opens its (virtual) doors every other Wednesday for an hour-long drop in session for Queen Mary's PGR students for useful tips and chatter. This is an opportunity for PGR students to contact the Doctoral College with any queries in an informal setting but also for catch-up with fellow PGR students across Queen Mary.
More information to follow shortly.
Graduate Festival
GradFest is a series of training and development events organised by PGR students for PGR students.
GradFest 2022 took place 13th to 17th June 2022 as a series of remote and in-person events. Details are available on the GradFest website.
GradFest normally takes place in February. The call for events happens in late October and allows PGR students to apply for funding to run events as part of the festival.