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Doctoral College

Training Available

Queen Mary is passionate about ensuring that we prepare all of our research students for the world beyond their doctoral degree, whether their career leads inside or outside academia. We take your professional development very seriously, and will give you opportunities to develop new knowledge and expertise as well as recognising the skills you already have.

How can you develop your skills at Queen Mary?

The Queen Mary Academy Doctoral Student Support

Queen Mary’s Academy  provide workshops throughout the year on professional development, personal effectiveness and research management. These training sessions have been designed to help you:

  • Manage your research
  • Plan the next stage of your career

Subject specific workshops run by your school, institute or department

Subject-specific training, such as technical and methodological training, is delivered primarily through your academic school or institute. These training opportunities are advertised on the Doctoral College’s event calendar and on school and institute websites.

Research Council Doctoral Training Centres

Doctoral Training Centres also provide training opportunities for students. Core methodological training is offered alongside more advanced specialist training. These training opportunities are advertised on the Doctoral College’s events calendar.

Other QMUL training providers

There are also other training workshops run around Queen Mary that may be of interest to you:

  • The Language Centre offer a range of programmes in academic English and modern foreign language as well as pre-sessional and in-sessional courses.
  • The Library provides guidance on research skills, copyright and Open Access issues.
  • To help you make progress with your reading and writing, Queen Mary’s Researcher Development team run various workshops. Please see the Queen Mary Academy website for details. 
  • The Advice and Counselling Service run workshops on managing stress and procrastination. 

External Training

It is also worth checking out workshops, seminars and training sessions run outside of Queen Mary. These opportunities are advertised by the Researcher Development team here.

As associate members of the London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LADP), humanities students at Queen Mary may also access workshops, seminars, training programmes and events hosted at UCL, KCL and the School of Advanced Studies. Use the link below, following links to Subject Specific Initiatives, to see which events are open to all students.

In addition, Queen Mary students in their first year and funded via an AHRC CDA or CDP, or a Queen Mary Arts and Humanities Studentship may also access a number of events provided specifically for AHRC-LAHP students. These can also be found using the following link:

Any training activities you undertake during your PGR studies can be recorded through the Skills Points System. Each activity is awarded a specific number of points. The activities and points are then mapped against the four domains of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework, in order to help you and your supervisor plan your own personal development. Find out more about the Skills Points System.

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