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Doctoral College

Postgraduate Research Fund

The Queen Mary Postgraduate Research Fund is open to all Postgraduate Research students at Queen Mary and is designed to support travel and other expenses (although not consumables and equipment) related to the student’s doctoral studies. Applications to the Fund will be assessed by a panel of senior colleagues from across the College (two per faculty). The panel will normally assess applications a couple of weeks after the deadline, and both applicants and schools/institutes will be informed of the results. Funds will only be reimbursed to awardees after they have made the initial payment themselves and have submitted to their School/Institute the expenses claim form together with receipts.

QMUL Expense Claim Form for successful applicants (to be submitted to department/school/institute together with receipts/evidence of payment in order to claim the award).

For further information on claiming expenses please see our Expenses and How to Claim section.

How to apply

PGRF Application Guidelines (Updated January 2024) [PDF 131KB]

PGRF Guidelines for Schools (Updated January 2024) [PDF 58KB]

PGRF Application Form

PGRF Award Holders Report Form [DOC 37KB] 

Address enquiries to

Deadlines for PGRF

The deadline for receipt of applications is 1 November, 1 March and 1 July.

Your school/institute coordinator’s contact details are listed below:

School Postgraduate Research team contact
Barts Cancer Institute Mariann Jakab
Biological and Behavioural Sciences Vicky Man
Blizard Institute Science Molly Ramalhoso
Business and Management

Grace Oyewole

Saima Ahmed

Centre for Commercial Law Studies / School of Law Hayley O'Hagan
Economics and Finance

Maha Anis

Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Melissa Yeo
Engineering and Materials Science Colin Rainey
Geography Shazia Sadiq
History Edward Caddy
Institute of Dentistry Jane Radford
Institute of Health Sciences Education Shahrar Ali
School of the Arts School of the Arts
Mathematical Science Katie Hale
Physical and Chemical Sciences Rob Miles 
Politics and International Relations Fatima Hanif
William Harvey Research Institute Maria Karayianni
Wolfson Institute of Population Health Patrick Mullan


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