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Doctoral College

Meet our Conference Chair

Atiya Sarmin is a 4th year PhD student on the MRC DTP programme, completing her research at the Blizard Institute which focuses on Developing Advanced Models of Cutaneous Wound Healing using 3D Bioprinting. Prior to this, she completed a BSc in Biomedical Sciences at The University of Southampton before completing an MRes in Cancer Biology at Imperial College London.


Atiya has been Chair and Co-Chair of the WISE@QMUL committee since 2018 where she has helped organise events for PGR students, staff and the local community that promote awareness and opportunities for girls and women in STEMM.

In her role as Chair of the organising committee for the International Women’s Day 2021 Conference, she manages the overall organisation of the Conference, ensuring that the team are motivated and able to complete tasks collaboratively and efficiently, whilst maintaining a positive and uplifting work environment especially during the difficult circumstances presented by the pandemic.

“It has been a great pleasure working alongside such driven and inspiring individuals at WISE@QMUL, who are mostly PGR students that generously contribute their own time to this great cause whilst also juggling study, work and family commitments. I am excited to see all our hard work come to fruition through this conference in March, and hopefully raise awareness of the obstacles women face in STEMM careers and give inspiration on how this has been overcome by successful individuals and organisations.”



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