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Doctoral College

Meet our Finance & Technology Team

Beth and Duncan are the Finance and Technology co-chairs of the WISE@QMUL 2020 conference, ensuring that we keep to our budgets to offer a free event accessible to everyone. They are also responsible for the technical aspects of running a virtual conference via Zoom.


Beth Hughes

Beth Hughes is the Treasurer of the WISE@QMUL committee. She is a first year PhD student in the department of Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research at Queen Mary University of London, and she is particularly interested in what happens to our bodies when we age, as well as how to improve human healthspan.

“I really enjoy my role within WISE@QMUL and it has enabled me to meet many inspiring and engaging women in STEMM.”

Duncan Wotherspoon

Duncan Wotherspoon is a 2nd year PhD student at the Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, and he is interested in skin formation and cell biology.

“I’m not a member of the WISE@QMUL committee but have participated in a few events. I wanted to help organise the International Women’s Day 2021 conference as a way of giving back to the excellent female peers and mentors I have had so far in my career, as well as those I will have in the future. I’m helping out with the finances, technical aspects and some of the organisation of the conference.”



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