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Doctoral College

Meet our Programme Team

Meet the fantastic team behind the programme for the WISE@QMUL International Women’s Day 2021 Virtual Conference



Dr Sharan Sidhu

Dr Sidhu has been the Staff Advisor of WISE@QMUL since 2013, championing for women in the STEMM subjects. She is a Reader at the Institute of Dentistry, Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at Barts Health NHS Trust and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, while maintaining clinical commitments, research supervision and an international research profile. She has been overseeing the organization for the International Women’s Day 2021 conference and facilitating arrangements.




Ahsen Ustaoglu

Ahsen Ustaoglu is a third year PhD student at the Blizard Institute, investigating pain mechanisms in the oesophagus of patients with reflux disease. She has been the Secretary of the WISE@QMUL committee for 2 years, and has the role of Programme Chair in the committee for the International Women’s Day 2021 conference. She is currently finalising the event schedule together with the programme committee and communicating event details with the speakers. She is particularly excited to facilitate conversations around the theme of ethnic minority women in STEMM and celebrate the journeys of some brilliant women!





Medalin Paul

Medalin Paul is a second year Chemical Engineering student who is the first Undergraduate Liaison to be actively involved in the PhD student-led group, WISE@QMUL. She currently supports both the programme and publicity committees in the organization for the International Women's Day 2021 Conference. She has been working alongside the Programme Chair to help manage the agenda and take initiative in selecting and liaising with speakers. Within the publicity committee, Medalin works with the Chair to plan the content for advertising through various social media platforms.

“The organization of this conference has given me the opportunity to act for a good cause - to encourage women in science, engineering and technology while also celebrating those who have already carved their paths and have each made their mark in their respective disciplines.”




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