Enterprise Day 2023
On Tuesday, 21st March 2023 at The Octagon, Queen's Building - we kicked off with an afternoon of entrepreneurship skill building. The workshop taught the basics of Enterprise, Intellectual Property, Invention and Innovation.

The Queen Mary University of London’s Doctoral College held its second Enterprise Day on 21st March 2023 at The Octagon. The day was designed to bring together our existing enterprise community including students, researchers, entrepreneurs, and representatives from external organisations.
The session began with a quick introduction from Professor Andrew Livingstone, Vice Principal of Research and Innovation at QMUL. Our QM Innovations Team was also invited, many of whom have launched or are running their own enterprises.
The speakers for the event were Dr Phil Clare – CEO of Queen Mary Innovation, Dr Adam Daykin – Associate Commercial Director (Tech & Eng.), and Dr Jim Shaikh – Senior Commercialisation Manager.
There was also a wide range of personal insights and experiences shared by speakers and the participants who wanted to turn their innovative ideas into real business propositions.
The highlight of the event was the 45-minute team inspiration challenge, where candidates had to come up with a “useless invention” from resources like craft papers. Students were split into 6 teams and had to work together to create a pitch to impress the judges.
A showcase of start-ups was also on display and a dinner reception was followed towards the end of the event as we celebrated some student entrepreneurial ideas.
If you are interested in entrepreneurship, make use of following resources at Queen Mary University of London:
QHack: Develop your entrepreneurial skillset in our weekend boot camp (in person).
QIncubator: Test your business idea in our 8-week online programme for early-stage business ideas.
QAccelerator: Designed to support growing businesses.
QMUL also supports the most innovative businesses offer 4 equity-free awards:
- Try It -£500 to test an idea.
- Build It –up to £10,000 to build a product or prototype.
- Launch It –up to £3,000 to launch a business.
- Grow It –up to £3,000 to grow an existing business.
In 2021-22 QM Innovation (QMI) awarded £49,000 to 41 student entrepreneurs. For more opportunities, QMI also offers 30 minute appointments to discuss business ideas, funding and applications, additionally access to enterprise competitions (Mayor of London, GradVenture), and events at VentureCrawl, Global Entrepreneurship Week. For further details contact: