Help us to redesign your Library website
Queen Mary Library is looking for PGR students' input to their project of redesigning the Libarary website to make it easier to navigate.
We are in the process of redesigning our Library website to provide a quick, easy, and more intuitive way to find the information you need.
We would really like to hear about how you currently navigate the website to find information for your studies and to get your input with developing a new site structure.
We are looking for ten people to complete few simple tasks using both the computer and the smartphone, representative of the all Academic Schools within Queen Mary University of London as follows:
- 3 UG students, one for each faculty (HSS, S&E, SMD);
- 3 PGT students, one for each faculty (HSS, S&E, SMD);
- 2 PGR students (from two different faculties);
- 2 academic staff (from two different faculties).
If you are interested in taking part please contact and will try our best to find a time that suits you.
We appreciate your interest. Refreshments will be provided during the sessions and a £10.00 Amazon voucher will be issued to each participant.
We look forward to seeing you!
Library Services