UK IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2021
Applications for this scheme are now open and will close on 19th April 2021, at 4pm.
The Government Office for Science offers UK Intelligence Community (IC) Postdoctoral Research Fellowships to outstanding early career science or engineering researchers. These Fellowships are designed to promote unclassified basic research in areas of interest to the intelligence, security and defence communities. The Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure, Department for Transport, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Home Office, and the National Cyber Security Centre are among the organisations represented in the UK Intelligence Community for the Postdoctoral Research Fellowships.

One round of applications is held annually. Members of the IC identify research topics and the Research Fellows work locally with University Research Advisors to develop and submit research proposals that align with the topics.
- Topic 1 An investigation of 5G technology and the threats it presents for the security community and identification of countermeasure opportunities
- Topic 2 Intelligent, distributed, dynamic software defined RF spectrum sensor network for detection and identification of devices in a dense RF environment
- Topic 3 Does utility monitoring improve or compromise security? Considering the associated dilemma of carbon neutral agenda, balanced with the need to maintain security of assets and generated data
- Topic 4 Machine learning inversion
- Topic 5 Digital cities/countries for intelligence and investigative purposes
- Topic 6 Cybersecurity model for visible light communications (VLC)
- Topic 7 Cybersecurity of swarm robotics in smart cities
- Topic 8 Satellite IoT communications
- Topic 9 Mathematical approaches to complex imaging problems
- Topic 10 Machine led discovery of novel materials for automated chemical synthesis
- Topic 11 Predicting the unpredictable: Can you predict drone intent?
- Topic 12 What would Socrates think? The legal and ethical implications behind autonomous drones and future aviation
- Topic 13 Low shot training and testing of machine learning algorithms for detection of items of concern
- Topic 14 Eddy diffusion modelling for enhanced hazard assessments of exposures to airborne toxic materials
- Topic 15 Improving energy harvesting in IoT wireless sensor nodes
- Topic 16 Automated intelligibility tests through the use of AI or novel algorithms
- Topic 17 Detecting use of synthetic biology methods
- Topic 18 Cyber influence on behaviour change: prevalence, predictors, progress, and prevention
- Topic 19 Autonomous control for small uninhabited air vehicles enabling monitoring of infrastructure
- Topic 20 Quantum engineering for quantum sensors
- Topic 21 THz RF transmission for wideband atmospheric communications
Application submission deadline: 19th April 2021