UK Maths of Data Science conference
To make up for cancelled and postponed conferences, we are organising Mathematics of Data Science (MathODS), a virtual conference for and by UK grad students, taking place on the 11th and 12th June 2020.
We are looking for graduate students to contribute 20 minute talks and/or a poster (see the MathODS website for more details on our exciting virtual poster session) in one of the conference's four focus topics:
- Optimisation
- Mathematics of deep learning
- Bayesian methods
- Applications of machine learning in life sciences
Registrations are now open, applications for contributions close on the 15th May 2020.
For more information check out the conference website. To stay in touch sign up to our mailing list.
Stay safe, and see you at MathODS,
Your organising committee
Margaret Duff (University of Bath)
Connah Johnson (University of Warwick)
Ben Kent (University of Manchester)
Torben Sell (University of Cambridge)
Simon Vary (University of Oxford)
Tiffany Vlaar (University of Edinburgh)