Upcoming events for LGBTQA+ History month
Below are just some of the exciting events coming up at Queen Mary as part of LGBTQA+ History month
LGBTQIA+ experiences on the Library shelves
Wednesday, 16th February 2022, 1-2pm
The session will cover various initiatives, such as the book display, the LGBTQIA+ collection and the LGBTQIA+ online reading lists. Please go to: https://esdcourses.qmul.ac.uk/listcourse.php and search the code LT010.
LGBTQA+ in Nature
Monday, 21st February 2022, 12:30-13:45
This informal lunchtime seminar by Tony Michael (Faculty of Science & Engineering, School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences) will debunk the myth of "unnatural" sexuality by looking at a wide range of examples of LGBTQA+ taken from the natural world (featuring examples you probably have heard of and a whole load of examples that you probably haven't yet - from bison to bonobos, from giraffes to gynandromorphs).
Register for this event
Comedy Night
Friday, 25th February 2022, 19:30-21:30 (doors 18:45)
Come and celebrate LGBT History Month with a showcase of some of the UK’s finest queer comedians. Hosted by Mark Bittlestone (@poofsrus) the line up includes Andrea Hubert, Victoria Olsina and Fatiha El-Ghorri.
Get tickets!
Additionally our LGBTQA+ History Month webpages include resources, book and podcast recommendations and people profiles and programme of events across the University. These are live pages so if you are running an event/activities or have book/podcast recommendations that you would like added please email Eleanor McDavis (e.mcdavis@qmul.ac.uk).