Year 3 - PGR Cohort Day 2023
Y3 Cohort Day on Monday 20th February 2023
1.30pm – 5pm
‘Looking up, Moving on’
What does life hold after completing your PhD?
Have you considered what strategy you may need to transition your career? The last few years focused on looking research deep, this cohort day will help you to look up, explore your options, positive experiences to consider what is required to move forward. You will come away with a toolkit and strategies to enable further career thoughts/moving forward on your career journey.
The third Doctoral Cohort Day focuses on helping students make plans for life beyond the doctorate, whether they decide to follow a career within or outside of academia. The 2023 PGR Cohort Day for students in year 3 (and part-time equivalent) of their doctorate will take place in-person on 20th February 2023.
This is now open for registration on the Queen Mary course booking system: with course code DC300.