Using the CPD Training System
The new CPD Training system will be used across Queen Mary as the central point for recording and monitoring Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities for staff and postgraduate research (PGR) students. It has a wide range of functionality and benefits for staff, PGR students and managers. Some of these will be available immediately and some we will be developing in the coming months.
The Doctoral College has created a short how-to guide for bookings and cancellations using the new CPD system. You can now access them below.
How to Access Queen Mary's CPD Training System [PDF 1,038KB]
Cancelling a booking guide [PDF 792KB]
All staff and PGR students will be able to:
- View their own CPD records, and see what courses they have been enrolled on by others.
- Review where they are with the University’s mandatory training.
- Add additional CPD to their record, including external conferences/training or mentoring and coaching.
- Enrol themselves onto courses (Workshops, e-Learning and blended) and create their own Learning Pathways.