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Digital Twins for Sustainable Development Goals

Academic events

Take a look at our past Digital Twins for Sustainable Development Goals (DT4SDG) academic events.    


Inaugural 2024 IEEE World Forum on Public Safety Technologies

Washington DC, USA

14-15 May 2024

In her capacity as Transportation Committee member of the IEEE Public Safety Technology (PST) Initiative, Dr Mona Jaber delivered a talk at the IEEE WF-PST 2024 in Washington (May 2024) in which she discussed her research on public safety in transportation including Distributed Acoustic Sensor systems for informing sustainable and green transportation,  a computer-vision method pedestrian intent prediction using a low complexity contextual stacked ensemble-learning approach, and a new dataset for analysing road safety for cyclists. Slides are available here



Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies

Hosted by

The Thai Network Information Center (THNIC) Foundation

Bangkok, Thailand

21 February-1 March 2024

Dr Mona Jaber delivered a keynote at the APRICOT 2024 in Bangkok (February 2024) in which she discussed her research on fibre-optic-based Distributed Acoustic Signal Systems (DAS) for sensing mobility and informing intelligent transportation systems. This project is part of the overarching research goals at the Digital Twins for Sustainable Development Goals lab. Check website here , the slides here, and listen to the poscast here



The 18th Asian Internet Engineering Conference

Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
Hanoi, Vietnam

12-14 December 2023

I am delighted to have participated in AINTEC 2023 in the vibrant city of Hanoi! After an intense week at IEEE Globecom which was attended by two thousand people, it was refreshing to be in a focused conference with less than 60 attendees all engaged and passionate about learning. I had the pleasure of presenting DT4SDG's recent research and discussing collaboration opportunities with academics across the globe working on IoT for intelligent transportation, green energy, and IoT connectivity.  Many thanks to the organisers for inviting me to give a talk at this event (see slides here).


IEEE Globecom 2023

Industrial Panel: Accelerating SDGs with IoT Innovation

4-7 December 2023

I am delighted to have participated in Globecom 2023 in the beautiful and welcoming city of Kuala Lumpur! The event was a true success with impeccable organisation and informative keynotes, panels, and discussions. I had the privilege of participating in the workshop co-organised by the Women in Communication Engineering and N2Women with a full-day schedule featuring leading scholars in the IEEE Communications Society. It was a very rewarding experience
to share my story in the “Growing Your Career: Life After Schools” panel and to
get the chance to help young professionals in their career choices in the
mentoring session. I also had the honour of organising and hosting an industry panel on the role of IoT in accelerating hSDG featuring distinguished panellists Dr. Maike Luiken, Dr. Fabio Patrone, Prof Fatimah Ibrahim, Dr. Hamed Ahmadi, and Dr. Nordin Ramli who shed light on promising IoT solutions for SDGs related agriculture and farming, climate, healthcare, water, energy, and transportation. The industry panel was supported by the IEEE ComSoc Malaysia, the IEEE Women in Engineering UK and Ireland, and IEEE Women in Engineering Malaysia. 


IEEE 9th World Forum on Internet of Things


Amazing things are indeed achieved when passionate people join efforts! The IEEE Women in Engineering UK and Ireland with the IEEE WIE Portugal Affinity Group collaborated to organise a special session at the IEEE 9th World Forum on the Internet of Things in beautiful Aveiro, Portugal. Mona Jaber was invited to participate in the workshop and talked about the different initiatives she has used to attract all genders from the younger generation into studying STEMS. She presented her work with students aged 13-16 on digital technology and the methods she used to engage them in learning about IoT and Digital Twins for shaping a sustainable future. As usual, the panel discussion was great with many thought-provoking questions from the audience!

2nd Career Development Workshop
Career Path to Net Zero

Excellent workshop at the University of Nottingham on Career Path to NetZero which featured mind-opening talks by leaders in power_electronics and nano_technology that left us more confident about the possibility of a sustainable future and the vital role of engineering in achieving that. Many thanks to the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Research Group for hosting the event and for the generous sponsorship from ZF Group, IEEE Power Electronics Society, and the IEEE Nanotechnology Council. A heartfelt thank you to the wonderful speakers Susan Houghton from ZF group, Angeliki Loukatou from National Grid ESO, Liliana de Lillo from the University of Nottingham, Cuifeng Ying from Nottingham Trent University, and Xu (Daisy) Deng from Newcastle University who inspired us with their stories and their cutting edge research. This event was organised by the IEEE Women in Engineering UK and Ireland and championed by our steering committee member Ying Li; it could not have been possible without the immense support and guidance from Pat Wheeler, University of Nottingham.
A big thank you to the authors of the posters, we had 14 accepted posters of excellent quality and only three could be selected for winning prizes - very challenging job indeed and we're grateful to the panellists for helping us decide. Big applause to the winners TASNEEM YOUSIF from the University of Nottingham, Zunaira Nadeem from the Queen Mary School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, and Gaia Petrelli from the University of Nottingham.

IEEE Globecom 2023 - Industry Panel
Accelerating Sustainable Development Goals With IoT Innovation

Mona Jaber from DT4SDG will host an industry panel at the flagship IEEE Global Communications Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malayisa to discuss the opportunities and challenges of digital innovation in advancing sustainable development goals.

The panel will feature international leading scholars and researchers who will share their insights on digital technology for SDGs related to water, energy, and health and on the role of ICT including terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks :

  • Dr Maike Luiken, Chair of Planet Positive 2030
  • Dr Nordin Bin Ramli, MIMOS Berhad, Chair of IEEE Malaysia Section, Adj Professor, FTKKI UMT
  • Dr Fabio Patrone, University of Genoa, Italy
  • Prof Ir Dr Fatimah Ibrahim, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

!!!CONGRATULATIONS to Chia-Yen Chiang!!!

Chia-Yen is a 3rd-year student of the DT4SDG working on multimodal data for modelling traffic in smart cities. She secured the first prize in the IEEE ITSS student competition in Pedestrian Behaviour Prediction using an innovative ensemble learning method that is lightweight and privacy-preserving.

Chia-Yen presented her work at the 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 2023.

PIP challenge winner

ChiaYen Chiang at the 2023 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems presented her work that won the first prize in the Pedestrian Intent Prediction competition.

Career Path to Net Zero

This is a full-day workshop in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, sponsored by IEEE Women in Engineering, IEEE Power Electronics Society, IEEE Nanotechnology, and ZF Group. Hosted by the Power Electronic and Machines Centre at the University of Nottingham, this event promises a dynamic platform for students and researchers to present their work, receive feedback, and engage with experts in this field.

Call for Posters

We invite you to submit your poster presentations (size A1), spotlighting your projects, research, and innovations aligned with the theme of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. See detail CfP [PDF 313KB].

Join us in charting the path to Net Zero and advancing your career in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Share your insights, network with professionals, and gain valuable perspectives.

IEEE Smart World Congress

Challenges and Opportunities: Next-Generation Digital Twins

Recently, DT4SDG's director Mona Jaber had the opportunity to present the lab activities at the IEEE Smart World Congress in a panel moderated by Prof Lu Liu titled: Challenges and Opportunities: Next-Generation Digital Twins. The panel featured insightful presentations and important discussions for building research collaborations related to digital twins. Download the slides IEEE-SWC23-Slides [PDF 1,309KB].

The Intelligent Internet of Things for Sustainable Development Goals

Mona Jaber is invited to give a talk at the 18th Asian Internet Engineering Conference Aintec in December 2023, Hanoi.

In 2015, the United Nations drafted an agenda for 2030 to achieve sustainable development by defining 17 goals (SDG) that demand an urgent call for action requiring collaboration and innovation across countries and organisations. This year, 2023, marks the midpoint toward fulfilling the proposed agenda but the world is still behind in attaining any of the set goals. This talk will discuss the opportunities offered by the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and advances in machine learning (ML) in ushering in these goals with tangible use cases that relate to health, energy, and cities. The talk will also expose the challenges that emerge from applying these technologies in the realisation of SDGs with underline risks related to bias, security, data privacy, and the risk of delaying one SDG while solving another.

AI and sustainable cities

In collaboration with the Alan Turing Institute and UCL, this workshop focuses on the theme of ‘Cities’, examining the role of data science and artificial intelligence in paving the way for sustainable cities.

Enabling technologies for connected smart cities

A vibrant, full-day event with technical talks and panel discussions that introduce state-of-the-art research in the Internet of things, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital Twins for smart cities.

The role of digital technology to support the UN sustainable development goals

This event was organised by the IEEE WIE UK & I as part of our drive to promote professional development and create brilliant opportunities for delegates to exchange new ideas, network, and forge links and partnerships. The keynote was delivered by Professor Elsa Arcaute from UCL on the topic of 'Exploring the interconnectivity of the SDGs with complexity science'



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