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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Unleashing Entrepreneurial Potential: Empowering TNE Undergraduate Students

Dr Chao Liu

In today's swiftly evolving global landscape, entrepreneurship has risen as a dynamic force driving innovation, fostering economic growth, and instigating social change. As a former JP student and an entrepreneur, I firmly believe that fostering entrepreneurial skills is crucial for students’ personal and professional development. In this article, I talk about a proposed scholarship activity that focuses on equipping TNE undergraduate students with the necessary tools and mindset to become successful entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship skills go beyond starting a business; they encompass critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, leadership, and adaptability. These skills not only empower individuals to establish their own ventures but also equip them to excel in diverse career paths. By fostering entrepreneurship skills among undergraduate students, we can foster a spirit of innovation, resilience, and an entrepreneurial mindset that will drive economic growth and positively impact communities.

My personal entrepreneurship experience began with the desire to make a living after finishing my studies, so I started thinking about what business I should do. Recognising the growing demand for bubble tea, I saw an opportunity to start a bubble tea business. Through extensive market research and analysis, I identified a gap in the market and developed a comprehensive business plan. Securing funding through a combination of personal savings and other support, I embarked on the journey of establishing my bubble tea franchise business in Holborn, London. From selecting the perfect location to sourcing high-quality ingredients and designing an inviting ambience, every aspect was meticulously planned to ensure a memorable customer experience.

To effectively promote and scale my business, I also ventured into the digital marketing realm. Recognising the power of online platforms and social media, I established a digital marketing company specialising in helping small to medium businesses establish a strong online presence. Through innovative strategies, targeted advertising campaigns, and engaging content creation, I successfully assisted numerous clients in expanding their customer base and boosting their revenue. Luckily, we also have collaborated with some big clients including Oppo, China Mobile, Ctrip, etc.

The journey of entrepreneurship has been challenging yet immensely rewarding. It has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the importance of continuous learning. Overcoming obstacles, such as fierce competition and evolving consumer preferences, has sharpened my problem-solving skills and fuelled my passion for innovation. As an entrepreneur, I am dedicated to sharing my experiences and knowledge with aspiring entrepreneurs. Through mentorship programs, workshops, and seminars, I aim to inspire and equip future entrepreneurs with the necessary tools and mindset to navigate the complex business landscape successfully.

By combining my experience in starting a bubble tea franchise and establishing a digital marketing company, I have witnessed the first-hand transformative power of entrepreneurship. It has not only allowed me to pursue my passion and create a thriving business but has also contributed to the growth of my local community by providing employment opportunities and fostering economic development. It has also highlighted the importance of entrepreneurial skills in today's dynamic world. By nurturing these skills among undergraduate students, we can cultivate a generation of innovative thinkers and problem solvers who will drive economic growth, create employment opportunities, and make a positive impact on society.

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