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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Digital Portfolio Resource Centre and Competition Launch

- 31 July 2023

Time: - 5:00pm

The resource centre is launched and the competition is open! The competition will end at 5pm, 31st July 2023.

Xianhui Che, Lecturer in Multimedia

We are proud to announce that our Digital Portfolio Resource Centre is now live on QMPlus, you can access it by self-enrolment. This is a Westfield Fund-winning project which is funded by the Queen Mary University of London. 

Digital Portfolio is one of the most direct ways to demonstrate your achievements from academic and professional experience. You can find tutorials and guidance in this Resource Centre to create your own digital showreel portfolio, which will make you stand out from the crowd.

There is also a competition ongoing that is open until 31st July. Submit your portfolio and win a big prize! Please find the flyers for some brief intro, but do visit the Resource Centre yourself to find out more.

Don’t forget to take part in our survey which is under the "Competition" and "Contact Us" pages, or access it from here directly. Good luck with all your future pursuits! 


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