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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Scientific Thinking and Artistic Practice

Student Portfolios 2020-2022

All artworks in this video are produced by students independently after 10 weeks of art learning, which includes scientific illustration, art history and botanical morphology.

Dr Yan Sun(Cindy), BUPT Golden Course Award 2019

Aiming at raising multiple intelligences, this module is designed to develop the students with whole-brain working and system thinking capability for self-acknowledged study through a discovery-based learning method. Discovery-based Learning is believed to be one of the most effective ways of learning science and engineering subjects.

The seven thinking principles (1. Curiosity, 2. Demonstration, 3. Sensation, 4. Learning from mistakes, 5. Science and Art, 6. Corporality, 7. Connection) will be thoroughly discussed. Students are required to apply the seven principles all along the whole course to establish a self-driven learning circle as “Observation-Practice-Obstacles-Resolving-(re)Observation”. To serve the course design purpose, botany scientific illustration is adopted as an artistic language to demonstrate students’ observation and thinking process.

Five activities (1. Understand the Lights from Physics, 2. Master Lines, 3. Perspective through Psychology, 4. 3D effect on paper through Solid Geometry, 5. Mathematics in Nature) together with individual portfolio projects are specially proposed to provide a cross-discipline platform which allows students to actively practice the thinking method, as well as achieving full cooperation among eyes, brain and hands. At the end of the course, the students are supposed to equip with whole-brain thinking ability and the capability to apply it throughout all their future studies and work. 

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